Black Iron [Mass YouTube Series Recruitment]

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by fluffinator09, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Wooo!
    porphos likes this.
  2. IGN: Ultimate_GG

    Skype ID: popper9512 (I should show up as Isabelle Wimbleton)

    Please link me to 4 or more significant builds you have done (Videos or picture albums): [#1: ] [#2: ] [#3&#4 ]

    Why should I pick you to be a Head Architect (One paragraph please) : Well you may not see it from the samples, but I can build very grand things. It will take time, of course, but I can build very awesome stuff. The pictures are things I built in a short amount of time. I can manage time well, and I believe that I will do a good job on the assigned task. I am very mature and can lead people well. If wanted, I can build very large structures. And I work well with people. :D