Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Mrlegitislegit, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Oh ho! Pat "sabotaged" his own computer now, did he?
  2. Indeed he did, it was all part of the plan. Now my dear Foldex, join the darkside...
  3. You are beyond hope. Enjoy your lonesome battle on a ground already owned by his Excellence. The war is won. You week and helpless pleeb are protesting history. The foundations of this machine were lain with patience and cunning. This post is simply the capstone of a fortress, the waiving of a victory flag. You attack a tank with a child's sling shot; expect to be run over. I am afraid cooler minds have prevailed.

    All Hail His Illustrious Terror, Commander of all He sees, the Mighty Copherfield!
  4. Yes, what he said.

    Are 5:00pm MDT, we will be at war against all other Minecraft servers. Be prepared.
  5. Well it all depends. How much land am I getting, and what is expected of me? I'm not filing papers for you.
  6. I have created bases on 4 servers in secret locations, ranging from town to frontier.
    Be prepared. A storm is brewing and you vessel will be the first to sink.
  7. Oh my dear Pen, you will get all the land, just like all other Delta Squad leaders. And for your job, you will be looking after our political prisoners, who are to be held in a hole covered over with barbered wire, which will be just outside the LLO.
    penfoldex likes this.
  8. You have given me an area to attack first. Is this a trick to lead me away from my own nations?
  9. No. No, no. NO.
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  10. LLO? So last year.
  11. Oh. Yes.

    i was Max the whole time..
    brickstrike likes this.
  12. More like you need someone to prevent you from getting crushed in rebellions.
    fluffinator09 and Choongjae like this.
  13. I am.

    No, im Max

    Screw multiple personalities
  14. Let us take over this poor server and punish the sheap that think they live here. Let a new era begin. Let all servers crumble before us.Let us chant the name of our new leader. Copherfield! Copherfield! Copher... Wait. This is april fools. *walk away whistling*
    Cpherfield was a dark point in the server's history. He basically went crazy and tried to make his oun server called delta squad and was banned after saying bad things. You can pretty much disregard this as a joke.
  15. Excellent, excellent…
    Oy, LLO still stands!
    Cchiarell6914 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  16. As you might have noticed, your hopes are in vain. Embrace the Era!
    penfoldex and PandasEatRamen like this.
  17. Oh hai, haven't seen you in forever coph :p
  18. Who is meant to be EMC's "Harry Potter?"

    I wonder how many people still get that reference...
    penfoldex and PandasEatRamen like this.
  19. I would certainly expect most people. Harry potter doesn't exactly have a small fandom :p

    Welcome back Coph, all hail Delta team
    mba2012 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  20. I'm more referring to why I mentioned that. It has something to do with this "meme" business copher/legit was talking about.