Behind the staff: Chickeneer

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by A_Dolphin, Mar 1, 2014.


What should the next staff member be?

IcecreamCow 23 vote(s) 35.9%
Maxarias 17 vote(s) 26.6%
JackBiggin 24 vote(s) 37.5%
  1. Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  2. *No comment*
  3. Be sure to vote. Cow and Jack are just about tied, and nobody seems to like Max :[.

    It is too accurate for words. Still waiting for the book.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.

  5. ohhhhhhh, you use a command block to teleport the chicken to you repeatedly and you are invisible from a potion
    nick5013 likes this.
  6. Wait wut?

    I am confused :/
  7. It's a tag that shows your name to yourself. It breaks the message when you quote it.
  8. Wait what :O???
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  9. Just a notice: If the thread goes off-topic, posts will be deleted. Please do not spam about the [your username] feature.
  10. It's [ username ]…
    Just ignore it and move on with the thread
    Gadget_AD and nick5013 like this.
  11. ?? lol
  12. Em...What?

    EDIT: Nvm just read other posts. :p But great vid nick I hope you do another! :D
    nick5013 and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  13. Hahaha, awesome xD
    nick5013 likes this.
  14. I didn't think anything about it... as I read it as "chickeneer"; considering the thread is about me - made sense. lol

    Again no comment regarding the original post
    Mirr0rr, jkjkjk182, penfoldex and 5 others like this.
  15. DERP DERP DERP derp derp derp HERP

    Thats my Jam!

    Lets sing the Derp Song :

    Derp Derp is teh Bugsy! Derp Derp is teh Bugsy! Derp Herp is teh Bugsy!
    He is such a Derp! DERPY BUGSY!
    technologygeek and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  16. WUT? :O

    I'ma so confused :confused:
  17. Cause Im Awesome :D
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  18. Hehe ;)
  19. Brilliant! Though one of my fav parts was the chicken screwing with the levers. Also the song at the end. :p
    nick5013, Cchiarell6914 and 607 like this.
  20. It looks like JackBiggin has won the poll by 2 votes, and it was a close vote too. The video will be up either later today or tomorrow.
    Suggest what other staff members you want the next video to be about!
    AliceF3, Gadget_AD, penfoldex and 3 others like this.