batmegh 7th birthday bash!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by batmegh, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. gross ;)
    NuclearBobomb and Mochoa_Frap like this.
  2. fite me irl
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  3. *hits chest like a gorilla* ;)
    NuclearBobomb and luckycordel like this.
  4. My rupees are on Megh :D
  5. Hey Bat! Man, it sure has been a long time being on emc, I remember you being active on the forums when I first started playing, and wow has 7 years gone by quick! Happy to still see you here!
    batmegh and 607 like this.
  6. I'm pretty sure 'baseball bat' is spelled with one 't'. :p It does mean something though, apparently:
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  7. i dunno, there are many spellings, batt and bat are both there. i dunno.
    Mochoa_Frap likes this.
  8. i dunno
  9. dunno, man. dunno.
    NuclearBobomb and Mochoa_Frap like this.
  10. bump!
    Kryarias likes this.
  11. Congratz on 7! :D
    batmegh and Mochoa_Frap like this.
  12. Well, looks like I'll be drawing. Is it still possible to ask a question?
  13. yay! finally someone who's going to draw!
    and yep! ask away, i don't care. lol
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  14. XD okie, not sure if this was asked or not but what is your all time favorite event
  15. i used to love mob arena when it fiiiiiiirst came out. it has changed a lot since then and i don't enjoy it as much.
    607 and Gaming_Comander like this.
  16. Well, I think im supposed to submit it here so....nyah! Im also doing a chibi drawing of you irl, should be coming out tomorrow
  17. Chibis are lit.
    batmegh and Gaming_Comander like this.
  18. Your chibi is almost done ;-; February don't end!
    Foxy_Kitty likes this.
  19. Ok! Here is Version 1!
    Top_Benny, Foxy_Kitty, 607 and 3 others like this.