[auction] The end of EMC as we know it (DC of TNT)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by crossbones, Jan 25, 2013.

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  1. Thanks for the bids everyone! AlexChance is winning with 110k or nearly 32 rupees each which is a steal.
    battmeghs likes this.
  2. a mod getting tnt... worrying...:D
  3. Well in that case. 111k
    penfoldex, battmeghs and FrozenForger like this.
  4. >.>

    battmeghs likes this.
  5. How u so rich

    henpenben and Jcplugs like this.
  6. 190k (Insert whiny comment about getting so much of one material)
  7. Please don't advertise on other people's auctions
  8. Ugg, quote fail
  9. 200 000r
    Silken_thread likes this.
  10. He doesn't blow his money on random crap.
  11. bump 200k is about 57 per TNT, still cheaper than most shops.
    battmeghs likes this.
  12. Grrrr if only i had more than that, And i was a supporter...
  13. "NOTE: you do not have to be a diamond supporter to bid on this auction."

    NOTE FROM ME: if u dont have diaond supporter,there s no reason to bid
    607 likes this.
  14. I would buy it for reselling. I mean at one point I had to have it, and I am not a diamond supporter. Ha, I even thought about buying diamond just to use it for fun. The reason I put that there was to prevent the classic EMC meanies from trashing people who aren't diamond on bidding for it. But sure enough, someone has to post the obvious and possibly scare away my customers.

    "You can't use this :p"
  15. For Science
  16. Please keep it bids only, I'm trying to win this :p
    PandasEatRamen and battmeghs like this.
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