[Auction] Curse of Vanishing Diamond Pickaxe

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Rhyblet, Jan 13, 2018.

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  1. this is why i love EMC!!!

    35k ^.^
    ChespinLover77 and 607 like this.
  2. Uh oh, am I going to run out of rupees? I'm literally going to re-name this and auction if off if I get it. xD

    This is why I love EMC too! xD

  3. Rhy, in a giver. Have 100k
  4. GAHHHHHH I'm out. :( Whoever wins... This pickaxe is suddenly worth a lot to me.
  5. AND LOLLLLLL GG!!! This is great, I love EMC.
  6. why do you do this with your life
  7. well idk nor do I care. You want money, i'll give it to you. 70K profit.
    Gordan_the_Gourd likes this.
  8. 105k because we needs the stuff!
  9. 110k because ladies 1st! ^.^
  10. 120k because I have a dream....

    Where I get to auction this pick of picks for myself :p
  11. 150k. now u hush shell b/c people start 2 talk ^.^
    607 likes this.
  12. JUST LOL!!!
  13. ._.
    BrenRGerm likes this.
  14. I have like a million of those picks and just looking at this is blowing my mind xD Ermagerd
    Tbird1128, q1zx and MerRhyAndBright like this.
  15. Ugh stahp she
    150K final offer
  16. But that's invalid. The minimum bid increment is 1 rupee, and Rei bid 150k.
    q1zx likes this.
  17. True!
  18. Gah, didn't see it.
    200K then
    q1zx likes this.
  19. I hope this pickaxe stays live, or what we're doing doesn't die- I can see people auctioning off curse of binding helmets for like 100k... :( This pickaxe...
  20. This thread is being locked due to auction tampering.
    FadedMartian and DarkModFallen like this.
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