Ask me anything!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by WolfInAction, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. My kitchen sponge
  2. Nah brah
  3. Ooh ooh I got one, you ever watch Beavis and Butthead?
    WolfInAction likes this.
  4. If you had to choose between world peace and Pokemon being real, who would you choose as your starter?
    WolfInAction likes this.
  5. Nope
  6. I don't really play pokemon :p I've played a bit of pokemon go, but before that I've never seen any of the movies or played any of the games.
  7. If you were able to decide, would you choose to become a powerful immortal or have the ability to control time at your own will?

    Also what's your favorite fast food restaurant?
    WolfInAction likes this.
  8. Ability to control time at my own will
    McDonalds :)
  9. Favourite band?
    How do you feel about The 1975?
    Aspirations in life?
    WolfInAction likes this.
  10. Skillet
    Thats a rock band I believe?? Ive heard my friends talk about it but I'm not too familiar with it :/
    Mine aren't too crazy like "Becoming a billionaire!" ( even though I wouldn't mind that;)) I would really like to become a singer and just do well in life :) Nothing big
  11. They're not really one specific genre. Think 80s music meets modern day music.
    WolfInAction likes this.
  12. Ahh, sounds interesting.