Ask me anything!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by WolfInAction, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. Thanks! Im from America. But I consider myself more German than American though since my entire family is German, I can understand everything in German, and we celebrate some different holidays, etc.
  2. Hi Kytula!
    1. Law and order
    2. Favorite dessert.. yikes this is hard. I'd have to go with ice cream
    3. Dirt
    4. I really enjoy nether spleef.
    5. Winter! Summer is too hot. I rather curl up on my sofa and drink hot chocolate all day rather than having a fan blowing in my face all day while drinking ice cold water lol.
    Kytula likes this.
  3. What's your... Favorite...hmm..
    What to say uh... What's your favorite... Animal..? Yes no one asked this question! What's your favorite animal!
    WolfInAction likes this.
  4. Mee!! I mean a Wolf :) hard to believe amiright?
  5. Pink Lemonade?
    Von dort, wo in Deutschland ist Ihre Familie?

    *My German is extremely rudimental and my German friends get annoyed at me when I speak it, but I tried :p
    *Used a translator, own knowledge, and a dictionary. No idea if it makes sense lol*
    WolfInAction likes this.
  6. Haha its fine. I got what you meant. :) meine Mutter und mein Bruder sind aus Deutschland von Düsseldorf. In an easier non-complicated way, they're from Düsseldorf lol.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  7. "My mother and my brother are from Dusseldorf in Germany." :D

    Dusseldorf is coolio.
    WolfInAction likes this.
  8. Do you like anime or Avatar The Last Airbender? :D Congrats
    WolfInAction likes this.
  9. I don't watch anime but I've seen The Last Airbender. Im guessing its basically the same thing? Right..?
  10. Wait did you see the movie or watch the episodes? If the movie, im so sorry XD That is the worst movie EVER in the whole world. Whoever made that movie should be ashamed of there self.
    WolfInAction likes this.
  11. Uhm, movie... xP
  12. THE MOVIE?! NO NO NO THE MOVIE is like the more expensive less imaginative version of the Show. If you've seen the movie first then you're missing out!
    xxcapmanxx and WolfInAction like this.
  13. Whoops
    Sealeon likes this.
  14. Dogs or cats
    Money or food
    Cars or motorbikes
    Olympic gold medal or 100k
    If you had 1 billion $ what would u do?
    Are you single
    Do you have a bf
    Are you a funny person
    Do u live in USA
    Do you think this is a long post?
    Superman or bat man
    The flash or batman
    Hulk or the flash
    who do u think would so win in a batman vs superman vs hulk vs the flash.
    Sorry for the long post
    Do u forgive me XD
    WolfInAction likes this.
  15. What's the most alerts you've got on the forums?
    WolfInAction likes this.
  16. This isn't my thread but.. Uh.. Nvm lol
    ESSELEM likes this.
  17. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
    WolfInAction likes this.
  18. Found the guy crushing on you.
    WolfInAction and Theomglover like this.
  19. 1.Money! duh. To buy more food:)
    3.Olympic gold medal
    4.Spend 500k and just save the rest.
    5.Single as a pringle :)
    7.Am I?
    11. Batman
    12. Hulk
    14. Nothing to forgive. You did nothing wrong :p
    CallumDAKing likes this.
  20. At once? I have absolutely no idea. Maybe 10?