Are you on SMP4?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ritunn, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. Smp4 invaded smp8 yesterday. :eek: This won't happen again! Prepare for war!! ;)
  2. Ok everyone lets avoid saying anything rude in the forums. Saying someplace sucks or someone sucks is pretty rude.
    Also remember that is you say an SMP sucks you are saying that everyone sucks, so lets not go there.
    Just a friendly warning.
  3. You just got a small attack, we spammed smp2 with smp4 rules and joining messages twice yesterday.
  4. Hey, I'm from SMP4 :)
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  5. S
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  6. Nope
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  7. SMP4 longer than Aikar was ever here <3
    Since the day I got minecraft on December 29, 2011 <3

    Or something like that.... lol
  8. Well it's nice the war ended pretty soon, eh?
  9. Don't worry I'll just use my sword skills to explode the whole server of smp8 ;)
    Salmatic likes this.
  10. And I was wrong.
  11. Err... SMPs 5-9 just wants to be attacked.
    Go... err..... Smp1! Home of the Empire! Where it all started!
    Salmatic likes this.
  12. Someone starts a war, I'll finish it. Wait, crap, I was never part of it. *puts on my pikachu hoodie's hood and looks down and slowly walks backwards into the darkness, then disappears*
  13. Hahaha! Smp.... smp.... SMP UTOPIA for the win! But its a tough match between 5 and utopia... Wait till fBuilderS gets here and starts demolishing this forum chat. xP
  14. Does utopia even count as a SMP?
  15. Us fish people need to stick together!


    that sounded kinda weird xD
  16. Smp4 is ONE of the best and yes I am from smp4.
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  17. I remember the ol' Smp4 days
    KiritoSAOxX likes this.