April Fool's Day

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by JesterTheCleric, Mar 24, 2014.


Is this a good sort of idea for April Fool's Day?

Yesh, totally! 12 vote(s) 50.0%
No way, Jose 3 vote(s) 12.5%
Maybe, IDK 9 vote(s) 37.5%
  1. Arg.. we'll just name April 1st: "The Nick and Aikar day". Wait for it...
  2. I joined 15 days after that :(
  3. Good idea...

  4. lol
    most destructive April Fools ever (if we go with the everyone can place and use tnt on everyones res and do whatever then they are reset the next day) hehehe
  5. resetting that much would be a HUGE tax on the server. Idk what we can do, but disguises are broke...I crash the server if i try to morph into a dragon...
  6. *gasps* Krysyy posted on my thread!

    Ok. Yea I understand, ISMOOCH and NetherWorld666 had the idea....I can just imagine it though, can't you? All of the destruction.....hehehehehe
  7. Mojang is working on their April 1st prank. Have not had a snapshot in a while...
    OrangeDuck607 likes this.
  8. Ugh resetting the town is so unoriginal... Spawn everyone in a box on SMP1 then add PVP last person standing at the end of the day wins 1,000,000 rupees... No joke...
  9. How about making all non-staff names green and the staff names white?

    Everyone would know it's a joke, but it would still be fun :D
  10. I say, we tip something over!
    battmeghs likes this.
  11. I, for one, will probably be super unoriginal and boring and just give away supporter.
  12. i've liked this idea so far the most xD that would be entertaining. lol
    OrangeDuck607 likes this.
  13. Either that or just invert the scrolling.
    OrangeDuck607 likes this.
  14. Add a deliberately defective autocorrect system to the game chat. :p
  15. Yes. I love teh hunger games. I recorded them.
  16. Mob Disguise is so much fun. I remember being a Snow Golem, and then running all over people's residences as they were yelling "grieferrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" into chat lol.
    PandasEatRamen and Parkerjv9 like this.
  17. I hope we get mob disguises back. I remember last year me and a friend went into the tutorial as a creeper and a sheep and trolled new players... :p
    cowland123 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  18. Yuss. Disguise as a sheep while someone is shearing produces "WHY CANT I SHEAR THIS DANG SHEEP?!" lol.
    OrangeDuck607 likes this.
  19. I think I was actually online last year, but I didn't know what was going on >.< I heard everyone talking about it in game chat and did not understand :p I don't know if I have the ability to come online on a normal tuesday though.
  20. Ohhh a sheep sheering prank would be sooo funny jkjkjk182 lol