Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by kevdudeman, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. It's ok, and I appreciate the professional manner that you did this in, and for that, I will DEFINITIVELY be buying from you again sometime soon.
    P.S. Is that chest at the normal pick up spot for this service?
  2. Done, /v 4301 to pick it up after you pay :)
    allengero likes this.
  3. This thread is old, allthough can I still order?
  4. Can I still order? And what do you sell sandstone for?
  5. Nope, sorry. I don't really need money anymore, and this thread hasn't had a business post in 10 months. If you guys need stuff (mainly marsh because meerkat posted a while ago) you could try making a thread in this same subforum, someone should have sandstone for you. Seems like there's not many supply companies left, but people will probably take job offers for a one time deal.