An Empire Christmas AKA free stuff!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. I <3 poems

    4271 :)
  2. Why not?
  3. Don't forget to visit 4440 SantaBiggin ;)
  4. *Whitelist*
  5. Why would that stop me?
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and penfoldex like this.
  6. Chest set up on 1800.

  7. You not whitelisted, whitelist's stop Ninja powers
  8. i'm setting up a chest now :)
  9. Never said I'd use ninja powers. ;)
  10. Nothing can stop the powers of JackBiggin(2)!!!!!

    Got a chest set up at 15243 on smp7.
  11. Whitelist blocks all of JackBiggin's powers... beat that!! ...
  12. It's simple... I ignore logic...
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and mba2012 like this.
  13. chest made on smp5 at 10767 :D
  14. It's simple...we spam the Icecream Cow!"

    I guess our res numbers are needed, forgot that when we posted:
    CamerinDrake: 14161
    PandasEatRamen: 14162
    britbrit3197: 14163
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and JackBiggin like this.
  15. Oh derp...lolz I was looking at the total size...ugh :oops::confused:

    corrected res on SMP7 is 14468. :rolleyes:
    _Stads_, jkjkjk182 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  16. I'm sure we all would have accepted "I'm from the future and that is my Royal Mansion on SMP32" :)
  17. I think this a great idea Jack, my res number is 14659 on smp7. Also as a kind gesture back there will be a gift for you to take out of the chest. :D
  18. Stuff starts getting given out tomorrow! :)
  19. The turtle wants in on this! xD I'll set up a chest at 19055 on smp9 (my first res).
    Thank you for being so kind and doing this. :D
  20. I just want to make sure you didn't forget about my residence.:)