Amazing Signatures and Profile Pics!

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by cj12115, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. I'll pay you 1k for an octopus
    JustAJarOfJam and cj12115 like this.
  2. Can you draw my profile picture? I'll pay : p
    607 and cj12115 like this.
  3. Ill draw an octopus, free of charge! :D

    No need to pay :D what would you like the picture to be of?
  4. Can you draw something like the goat I have? :p
    cj12115 likes this.
  5. I had two years of art class, but I don't think I will ever be able to reach the greatness that you have. Carry on my genius.*on a side note redraw my profile pic*
  6. i died, rofl! ^.^ now 2 dare him 2 use the pic :p
    cj12115 likes this.
  7. Draw me whatever as long as it's square-ish for a profile pic, I'll pay 2k.
  8. As requested...


    (Kelirus Profile Pic)

    (Dufne's Profile Pic)

    Trapper yours is still in the making, but it is free of charge as well ;)
    I hope you guys like these amazing pieces of art :p
    607, ShelLuser, jossytheninja and 3 others like this.
  9. I LOVE IT
    607 and cj12115 like this.
  10. A walrus?
  11. no, the plants :p
  12. ok will do ;)
  13. A fox? Can you draw that?
    cj12115 likes this.
  14. He can draw anything, don't you see his masterpieces?
    607, ShelLuser, cj12115 and 1 other person like this.
  15. inb4 a bunch of circles :p
    JustAJarOfJam and cj12115 like this.
  16. As Requested...

    Trapper you said to draw something square so this was the first random thing that came to mind
    (Square thing)

    Walrus you said to draw your profile pick but I thought it was missing stuff so i added some things.

    (Walrus profile pic)

  17. Gracias
    cj12115 likes this.
  18. Can you redraw my profile pic without the words?
    cj12115 likes this.
  19. el manzana ;)
    Trapper777 likes this.