[AMA & GIVEAWAY] 607's 18th Birthday Anniversary

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 607, Apr 28, 2017.


Do you like to celebrate your birthday in some way involving friends or family? (EMC counts!)

Yes. 17 vote(s) 94.4%
No. 1 vote(s) 5.6%
  1. I'm keeping the numbers list updated, so yeah, 5 is indeed not taken. But now it is! :)

    That question has been asked twice before, though... :p And I'm not answering it! ;)
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  2. Comon, I spent so much time going through those to try to find if my number was taken! Anyway I'll go searching now...
  3. Huh? 5 was open! Now it isn't anymore, though, as you got it! :p
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  4. So my other question failed, I do not recall seeing this, by gosh I hope I didn't miss it, we all have a favorite color, yours is? ...and what may get you in to coming on to MC on EMC more often or is that not going to happen?
    607 likes this.
  5. My favourite colour's purple! :)
    I'd probably get online more often if some of my friends would be online at times I could be online at, like Dufne or Alice. :)
    Dufne and mjnoe70 like this.
  6. Happy (belated) birthday.

    How's life?
    607 likes this.
  7. Happy Birthyesterday!! :D (If that isnt a thing yet, Ill make it a thing now :cool:)

    That is alot more logical indeed :p. When the number zero didnt exist yet (like in the Roman times), this was the way people counted their age and stuff.

    No idea why I just said that it feels like one of my more random posts on these forums :rolleyes:

    Anyways, on to my question: When did you celebrate your first Piwi day/how did Piwi day become a thing?
    (I have always liked (and still like) your Piwi as profile picture if you havent noticed yet :p)

    (Ill take number 19, as this is the start of your 19th year on earth I guess ;))

    Also, Good luck with your exams! I have them next year, but they seem quite scary already :oops:
    Patr1cV and 607 like this.
  8. Happy Birthday! Numbers!


    Any idea of a new forum game? :)
  9. Good.

    The first Piwi profile picture was taken for a friend of mine: I had taken Piwi with me to school that day, but she hadn't gotten to see him for some reason, and she was disappointed. So I took a 'selfie' of Piwi and sent it to her on Snapchat!
    Later, I decided it could be nice as a profile picture, as although I liked the standard EMC Minecraft skin profile picture, it wasn't very original. So I changed my profile picture to a cropped version of that selfie!
    When I had taken 3 more pictures of Piwi, with different themes, I got the idea of changing profile pictures every year. That'd have to happen on the day I originally set Piwi as my profile picture: May 26th. Luckily, I still had a status post from that day so I knew the date.
    Then, not too long before May 26th, AyanamiKun held a giveaway, and was accepting donations. Jelle donated his own head, which I considered a magnificent move. :p
    So, I decided I want to hold my own giveaway, offering a Jelle68 head among the prizes. What would be the excuse to do a giveaway, though? Oooh, I could do a giveaway when I'd switch profile pictures!
    And the concept for Piwi Day was born. :cool:
    Not at the moment, no. I think I've got enough going already, especially as both of the most active forum games at the moment were started by me. :p
    I will try to keep Guess the Word going, though, and I'm hoping to start posting in Find the Rubber Ducky more often again after my exams. I've taken just about every picture I can think of in our neighbourhood, so to get new ones, I really need to go places, and I don't usually have time for that on a regular Sunday afternoon! Additionally, I don't really enjoy doing it on my own, either, so I'd prefer to find an occasion where my sister's got time as well. :)
    There's one forum game I've got in mind still, but I'm not sure if it'd work too well here... it can get very annoying and nonsensical, but it can also be fun for a bit. :p We'll see if I ever post it. ;)
  10. Happy birthday 607 :)

    I can't come up with any more questions, if I would have them I would have alredey asked, don't you think so? :p

    I gueass, I'll take a different number this time, mhm, 68 please :)
    607 likes this.
  11. In what ways has EMC helped you grow?

    Congrats my good friend :D
    Faithcaster likes this.
  12. Thanks!
    Hm, not too sure, honestly...
    Sometimes, the occasion of an AMA can make you think of a new question to ask! :)
    EMC has improved my English skills enormously, which made it so that my English classes in school were pretty much useless. :p I even got so good that I got my CAE (Certificate in Advanced English from Cambridge University) with Grade A, with about 1/4 lessons followed, and 1/10 homework done. :rolleyes:
    But, moreover, in the first few years here, EMC has helped me become more social and make friends, and gather skills which have carried over to real life as well. :)

    At 4:30 AM EMC time, the Numbers list will be frozen, and new questions won't be eligible for the Sharpshooters anymore. :)
    haastregt likes this.
  13. Happy Birthday-before-yesterday :D (I'm late, sorry :oops:)

    I have two questions:
    1. What is your favorite video game of all time? And why?
    2. When you created the Counting with Pictures thread, did you think it would come this far? How far did you expect it to go when creating the thread?
    I know, it's technically four questions. Shhhhhh :p
    And I'll take number 18 :)
    607 likes this.
  14. Thanks anyway!
    My favourite video game of all time is probably Yoshi's Island, on the GBA. Of course, the game was on the SNES originally, but I haven't got one and do have a GBA; besides, the GBA's got 6 new, original levels. I also prefer the GBA's sound effects, although of course the music quality is less good than that of the SNES.
    As to the game itself: it's totally awesome! Yoshi is obviously one of the greatest characters, period. The graphics, music and character design in Yoshi's Island is incredible: really wonderful. It doesn't feel childish, but it does feel very light-hearted. And yet, the castles and bosses can feel quite ominous... A great balance was struck there!!
    Of course, the most important part of a game is usually the gameplay: and it's pretty much perfect. The controls feel really good: you're in complete control. The basic moves at your arsenal are quite simple, so you can get into it quickly. However, there's a lot to master, and when you get more experienced, you can pull off some really cool stuff egg-throwing, fluttering and sticking out your tongue. The level design is very interesting. Some really neat ideas, and all levels have a great flow. The game's separated into 6 worlds, and each world has got its own distinct feel, while still being very varied, so it doesn't get dull playing 8 levels in the same world in a row. The difficulty is spot on: it'll cost you some dedication to beat the game. But it surely is doable. But there's more: in every level, there are flowers and red coins to find, and stars to keep. If you get all those, you'll get a perfect score of 100, and of course it'll be your goal to do that on every level. If you get enough points in a set world you'll also unlock an Extra level, and a Bonus level, to make getting items more easy. In the GBA version, there are 6 more levels that you unlock after first beating the final boss. The aforementioned items are a great addition, too: they aren't too difficult to obtain, but do require a bit of grinding. You don't actually need the items, though. It's perfectly doable to beat the game without use of any items at all, surely. For 100%-ing, though, the items are a very welcome addition, as they make the game a little more forgiving, if you plan your item-use well. However, none of the items are overly powerful, like I've seen happen in other games.
    Is that enough to defend my choice? ;)

    Well, I did include the poll, of course. Myself, I didn't really know how far we'd get. I had hoped for at least 50.
    However, I knew, that if we'd get to 1000, we'd probably get to 2000 as well, and then 3000, and so on. After all, getting to 1000 would require some very dedicated people, and those people would probably keep going after 1000 as well! And that turned out to be the case. :)
    I am quite surprised by how long such Forum Games remain active nowadays, though. I don't think that used to be the case. For example, when the forum game The Association Thread was played 3 years ago, it only got to 50 pages, and that was with me bumping it from time to time using my alt. I haven't done that in my new thread at all, and yet it's almost at 200 pages!! I don't mind, though, it's kind of fun and there are also still enough more substantial threads. :)
  15. Thanks, everyone!

    In the end, 25 people submitted a question I appreciated. As it turns out, I've got 28 stable vouchers, so that means everyone can get one! :)

    Now, on to the raffle!

    I'm going to let it choose a number from 5 to 84, as no numbers were picked outside that interval.

    21. Nobody.
    83. Nobody.
    62. Nobody.
    29. AliceTheBab.

    Alice! How do you manage to win my giveaways so often? :p

    It was very hard to choose the 3 winners of the Sharpshooters... because I received a lot of questions I really liked!! :)
    I went through all posts again and wrote down everyone's names, accompanied by a 1-5 star rating (which I won't share :p). That helped, but then I ended up having 2 instances rated *****, and 8 instances rated ****, so it was quite hard to choose the third one still!
    But I've come to a decision!


    Everyone's rewards have been mailed, and Alice has gotten the 100,000 rupees! :)
    This was fun, everyone!

    Now, get ready for May 26th!! :D
  16. Thanks for the giveaway 607 and Happ B-Day!! :D

    Congrats to everyone
    607 likes this.
  17. Congrats to the winners :)
    Happy birthday once again 607!
    607 likes this.
  18. Thank you very much for the prizes and the elaborate answer :)
    607 likes this.
  19. Thanks for the giveaway and happy late birthday lol :)
    607 likes this.
  20. Thanks 607 :)
    607 likes this.