Heyy so my 600th day is coming up! I know what you're thinking; oh wow an AMA how original =P It looked fun so i'm doing it too aiight pick a number, ask the wise ole sally a question, and i'll use random.org to pick the winner who shall receive 50,000 rupees. Giveaway ends September 10th, good luck Entries: 1. Jelle68 2. Kippy159 3. 4. GeneralWillikers 5. 6. 7. SkeleTin007 8. tuqueque 9. Raaynn 10. SealInAction 11. 12. 13. Ch33zus 14. Raging_Hedgehogs 15. Carbonyx 16. ___Honey_Dew___ 17. _cTJ_ 18. Sachrock 19. AnonReturns 20. nltimv 21. TromboneSteve 22. ShelLuser 23. michael jordan Shadow_Dcord 24. Merek_Shadower 25. Will_McNab 26. cam7051 27. WolfInAction 28. WitherDoggie 29. DrawingJust4fun 30. SkareCboi 31. 32. 33. 34. takenID 35. 36. 37. Theomglover 38. 39. 40.
Congrats on 600 days and I will take the number 7 please And my question is this what is your favorite hobby to do besides minecraft?
Thoughts on global warming? Are you a goat? Favorite fruit? Congratz on 600 days. I'd like number 28 please. Thank you for the giveaway.
Thanks! ma favorite hobby would be basketball Thank you! I like the UHC because it's the only one that ya need a bit of skill for, but i always miss it ;/ Thank you! global warming is a reel problem dood, someone needs to do something about it. also really sad that *some idiots* think it's not a thing Unfortunately, I am not a goat :( Mangos all the way =D thank you all for entering!
Congrats! I'll take 20 please As for my question: Is mayonnaise an instrument? What is/are your most memorable moment(s) in your 600 days on EMC?
Thank you! i like basketball, fav team would be the warriors Thanks! it's hard to choose haha, i've had a lot of fun with a lot of fun people and every moment was memorable :') 0% D: smp4 ftw :D Thanks all for entering!
Congrats on 600 days! Favorite minecraft flower? I'll take 27 please. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Congratz on 600! Did you plan on staying on emc when you first joined? What was your favorite thing to build? What's your favorite game? I choose 29 plz
is that 600 days? wow, than you're half as long here as I am How many cookies are you able to eat when you'ave got three trees in your hair? btw, I thought that question once to use in an AMA where everything I could think to ask alredey was asked, but it seems people are giving quite creative answers on it, so, I'm always using it since then I wasn't first, but I'll take the first number
My residence, the still incomplete product of the blood sweat n tears of 600 days Magic 23 is given to you! and thank you for entering! My favorite minecraft flower is the rose bush, because i love roses irl and they look pretty cool in mc :D I was browsing for a good server, and i came across this tutorial kind of thing for economy servers and they had an ad for EMC at the bottom. I can't remember what the site was called :I but i joined and ended up staying for 600 days and hopefully more XD Thank you! I wasn't really sure if i was going to stay when i first entered the server, but after finishing the tutorial i found some nice players and i ended up playing with them for the whole day XD I also really liked the way the town and shops worked, and the community was great, so I kept coming back and now here i am My favorite thing to build was a fortress i made on my res wayyy back when i joined. It was fun to make because i put a lot of secret rooms and stuff and i did it with friends so that was nice My favorite game these days is Terraria, I think it's really cool how they managed to keep a loose kind of storyline type thing but at the same time you're open to do whatever you want. And of course, minecraft will always be one of my favorites if only for emc, i don't play on other servers that much anymore. am a young'un XD I've never tried eating cookies with three trees in my hair, but i'm pretty sure i could manage quite a few if i did. More than a few if the trees were maple. Thank you all for entering!
Congratz man on making it to 600. Question uh how about what was your first build you made on your emc res? Number uh lets go with ol number 4 shall we
First: congrats on 600 days! To be honest I am a little surprised to learn that I seem to be a little older than you, having reached 600 myself not too long ago So... a question. I think I already know the answer to one part but: how did you discover SMP4 and what made you stay there? I'd like number 22 please