I’ll take 49 but it’s 59. What is your favorite vanilla mob? How about EMC mob? And modded, if you ever use mods? Also, how active are you on the forums? How about the server?
1. Cows 2. Nether hounds 3. I use mods a lot but can't think of anything off the top of my head (I'll probably edit this post later) 4. I'm fairly active on the forums. I kinda lurk a lot, but I've always got a forum tab open 5. I'm not very active ingame. I probably will be when my friends have more time to work on projects with me though. As it is, I only log on once every couple days or so and I don't really do much Well you're getting 49
Congratulations on making it to 6 years!! Hope there are many more years ahead of you. I will gladly take number 7 please. Also thank you for doing this amazing giveaway.
Congrats on 6 years bud!!! I will gladly take number 30 if possible or if taken give me random What is your favorite thing to come in the future of Minecraft?
Even though it's gonna break everything, I think the new command format looks pretty cool Lots of potential for neat stuff in the future
Gonna do 1 final bump before the giveaway ends in 3 1/2 hours The winners will be announced a couple hours after the fact