[AMA] Ask SoulPunisher stuff

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by synth_apparition, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. Have you ever solved a rubiks cube?
  2. When I was like, five or something, yeah.
    I moved my sister's around a lot when she got hers when I was about 7. It was never the same again. We binned it when we moved house last year.

    TL;DR: No.
  3. Um... what's your preferred way to start a conversation?
  4. 'Soup'
    'hi [swear word]*
    *SUP [swear word]S'
    'I hate you all'
    'So, last night, I was...'
    'I'll kill you in your sleep'
    'I had a dream about you last night. I killed you with a machete'

    I'm a gr8 friend, as you can tell.
    607 likes this.