[AMA] Ask Me Anything - 4 Years on EMC too

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by KKV_Gamer, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Well thank you! ;) just trying to be honest and funny.. :D
  2. as I promised, here are my Chinchillas

    This is Mimi above..

    This is Mystie below she's a lot harder to take in a good picture.. but she's also adorable in real.

    To give perspective if you never pet one of these, thye have between 20000 hair to 80000 hair per square inch on their body. Fluffy as fluffy can never be beaten! It's so thick that water can't penetrate under it and they got to wash themselves in a powdered sand bath to get it cleaned up. SOOOOOO Soft!!!
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