[AMA] 7 years of triphora/wafflecoffee (plus a prize)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by triphora, Jul 20, 2024.

  1. Hi. :)

    I am wafflecoffee— err, triphora. (My actual name is Emma, but most people here still call me waffle.) I joined this server on July 20th, 2017 and have probably been active for somewhere around half of the time that I've been here, spending notable amounts of time on SMP2, SMP8, and Utopia. During the pandemic I had a stint on the Contribution Team; in the broader Minecraft space, I worked for Modrinth for a few years and probably either know or have a mutual connection with 99% of Minecraft mod authors. Outside of the digital world, I'm a student and a public transit advocate (riding a SEPTA trolley is a magical experience in my opinion).

    Should you have any questions you would like to ask me, you may feel free to do so in this thread. In fact, I implore you to. Anyone who asks a question will be entered to win a pink petal triphora head (only three of which exist or will ever exist one will remain on display in my head collection and the last will be given away or sold at a later date). So far, these are my only heads available under my new name. Not to brag or anything, but one of my heads went for 1.5 million once ;)

    In any event... ask away! *retreats back into the forest like a Hatterene*
  2. How much Fred could Fred Fred if Fred could Fred Fred?
  3. wafflecoffee, pancaketea, or frenchtoastenergydrink? Justify your answer
  4. What does SEPTA stand for? (wrong answers only)

    Happy 7 years!
  5. Congrats on 7 years :)
    What's your fav coffee?
    We3_MPO likes this.
  6. Have a Happy smile! And what toppings do you like on your waffles?
  7. 42
    I don't like coffee and I refuse to drink energy drinks; therefore, pancaketea.
    Screens Eternally Plagued by Technical Anomalies

    Tea :D I don't like coffee. Never have.
    Blueberries and maple syrup!
  8. What's your favorite tea?
    We3_MPO likes this.
  9. Why name yourself wafflecoffee if you don't like coffee?
    We3_MPO likes this.
  10. What has been your favorite part of joining EMC? BTW, belated congratulations on seven years!
  11. Out of all of the EMC Events over the years that you've witnessed, which was the most fun, and which was your favorite?

    You can list your favorite 10 in order if you can think of that many.. I know I can't.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  12. Unsweetened green iced tea. No preference as to any specific variant. I think that the best I've gotten was from Dunkin Donuts of all places -- no special gimmick, just ordering a "green iced tea, no sweetener".
    Why do you think I changed my name away from that? :p
    I think the longevity. The server that I played on before EMC had a full server reset every 6 months or so, meaning you would have to start over from scratch each time. I understand why someone might like that sort of playstyle, but I far prefer the EMC approach, where one can pick it up and drop it whenever one would like. And thank you!
    Ooooh... I remember really enjoying some of those late night FireFloor sessions hosted by Moople and jaqque, where afterwards many of us would be up in VC until 4am just chatting. I bet I could name ten events if I really put my mind to it, but I don't think I have enough brain power at the moment to do that.
    Palmsugar likes this.
  13. how did you come up with your current username
    ultipig likes this.
  14. Glad to see you're still with us! I should ask, how did you discover EMC and what incentivized you to join?
  15. What SMP has the best frontier?
  16. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? if you had to do it all over again would you still join EMC? what is your favorite promo?
  17. Hello again :D Was out the last couple days because I was down the shore in Wildwood.

    Triphora is a genus of orchid, my favorite flower. Triphora trianthophora is one such member of this genus native to my home of Delaware. Not only this, but my name also has the double meaning of "τρία φορά", a (grammatically incorrect) way of saying "three tries" or "three times" in Greek, a nod to the phrase "third time's the charm" and my Irish luck.
    Some server list. I don't remember why I was attracted to EMC, but once I was in-game, the tutorial at the time was magical and I was intrigued by the fact that many of the generic EssX-type features I was used to on other servers (e.g. tpa, sethome, etc) were absent from the server or changed in some way. That said, I was also very young at the time, so my memory is fuzzy.
    Utopia. It has no fall damage and no nighttime. I'm more of a town person—not such a big fan of mobs if they're not cordoned off in a mob grinder. I come to EMC as an escape from the challenges of the real life, not to create additional challenges for me :p
    European or African?
    I'll be honest: probably not. I don't have the time in my life anymore to become established somewhere or pick up new hobbies or anything like that. The main reason I'm back now is because I'm on summer break, and I'll likely be back down to only a little bit of playtime here and there come mid-August. Don't get me wrong; I still love EMC and will continue to play for the foreseeable future, even if I'm not the most active in the world, but I don't think I would be willing to join EMC today if I didn't already have the connection I have now.
    Turkey Trotters. Sometimes I wish I had them in real life too.
    ultipig, Simnos, fadedmartian and 2 others like this.
  18. Happy 7 years!

    What was your favorite part of working on Modrinth? Was that a "real job" or a volunteer hobby kind of thing?
    fadedmartian and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  19. Who's Fred?

    Choose wisely.:D