[AMA] 7 years of triphora/wafflecoffee (plus a prize)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by triphora, Jul 20, 2024.

  1. It's a complicated story. It started as a volunteer hobby thing and it was for most of the time I was there. By January 2023, though, my responsibility had become so large that they started paying me, thus becoming a real job with scheduled hours, an hourly wage, the whole shebang. At the end of January 2024, though, I was laid off (I'm referred to by my actual name (Emma) in this post) and I cut most ties with Modrinth. Don't get me wrong—I still support the mission of Modrinth and support its leadership—but it was clear that ending my involvement with Modrinth would be the healthiest option for all involved parties.
    Armisen. Obviously.

    I think that, since the volume of questions has slowed a bit, I might do the drawing for the head soon. I'll make a more solid decision later. I am very tired.
    Fred_TWK and HazardousCode like this.
  2. Congrats on 7 years. Do you still possess your original res you got when you joined the server? I do own mine just through a secret alt. Cause all my alts serve their master, which is me. LOL
    HazardousCode likes this.
  3. Yes! Through a public alt, not a secret alt ;) My original res was 17966. Since 2020, it has served as /v +bamboo on SMP8, the first public bamboo farm on EMC, and has remained largely unchanged since.

    I'll leave the thread open to more submissions until 11:59pm EMC time tonight. After that, I'll draw the winner of the head!
    HazardousCode likes this.
  4. Submissions closed! The head goes to...

    Post #19, from HazardousCode!
    I will mail your head and an authenticity book shortly :)
    Thanks to those who participated!