[AMA] 1 Year as Staff AMA and a bit of a giveaway

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DarkModFallen, Apr 13, 2016.


What color was the sky on june 6th in 1487 at 6:56pm in the area now known as florida.

Poll closed Apr 28, 2016.
How am I supposed to know that 12 vote(s) 33.3%
That questions is silly 10 vote(s) 27.8%
The answer to all things is 42 19 vote(s) 52.8%
Doctor who is the worst show ever 7 vote(s) 19.4%
I love Batman 12 vote(s) 33.3%
Batman Vs Superman was so bad it made me cry a little. 9 vote(s) 25.0%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Sorry for my late response, I totally missed out on most of the forum activities due to work related things and I'm slowly catching up again. Also: I'm not responding for the AMA or competition (but I'll try to come up with something!) but most of all because I wanted to get some things out of my system.

    First of all: Congratulations! It's cool to see how heavy you value your 'modship' and I also think it's somewhat funny because here I was; quite the newbie who assumed that most of you guys were already ancient ;) It was quite fun & surprising to learn that some of you weren't that old yet.

    And thanks for sharing the peek behind the scenes. I think it's awesome that your wife supports you in the way she did!

    I already get to like your AMA that much more... you know you want to do something but still need to fill in some of the blanks. I can really relate to that! :)

    Uhm, you loved the griefing? :eek:

    Sorry, sorry: this is totally ripped out of context, I completely understand where you're coming from & what you're saying here. I just thought this was a little bit funny. Also because griefing incidents have left their impression on me as well, but through other channels.

    True that. I really think some people (myself included!) have no clue at all what kind of effort goes into running an event. It's not as easy as it looks! Especially if you're setting something up in the game. It's an area I'm pretty bad at myself, but I'm trying :)

    I'm leaving this here to put some extra attention to it. Who would have thought you guys were actually people ;)

    But yeah, I can see where you're coming from. If you ever got onto one of my forum reports you probably have seen the proof of that. A mere 'thank you' can go a long way in my opinion. It's not as if we players are entitled to the whole thing, and I think some people should keep that in mind as well.

    So... I assume that I can expect your take on how much a DC worth of dirt is going to be worth on the upcoming gaming server within 30 or so minutes? And why haven't you responded yet, surely you mods can see us writing messages before we even posted them? <runs!> :D

    OK, more serious now... You're obviously into Batman so what kind of movies / series do you think did the most credit to the comics (the 'originals')? Was it the 60's batman show (I think I know the answer to that one ;)), the animated series (I know there have been a few) or one of the later live-action movies?

    And on that subject which did you like best?
    TheDarkModRises and Kytula like this.
  2. Not robin honestly I always found hes kind of whiny. Harley Quinn would be my favorite ever. Or Alfred. I love Alfred.
  3. What's your thoughts on the actors playing Batman and Alfred? Were they good? Did you feel "That's the cool Batman I know"? Did you like their acting skills?

    Happy 1 Year on the Green team :)
  4. A huge congratulations to you! This is a very commendable occasion ;). You have been an amazing moderator and an awesome player in general for the past while that you have been playing with us on EMC. I do remember when you were not a mod... That was probably on my day 5 or something that you were modded.

    My question is (and excuse me if it has been asked before, I don't have the patience to look through), how did you find EMC, and why did you decide to stay with it of all servers?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. Congrats on being a mod for 1 year. You've made the game fun and safe for all. Thank you.

    Who in your opinion has the best Joker laugh out of all who've portrayed him? (Animated/cartoon, or live action)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. In your opinion, is Die Hard the greatest Christmas movie?
  7. Congratulations on one year :D I remember the day before your promotion I was chatting with yah about malls and sorts. I also remember when you got promoted at /town on an smp which I forgot. Great staff member and you have definitely helped the empire grow into what it is today.

    So my question to you is, the Batman vs Superman movie. What was your least favorite part and why? Mine was when Wonder Woman was introduced. I want a Wonder Woman like the one from the 80's again.

    Here is what I mean:


    That's all man, and once again Congratulations one one year as a staff member and I know you will continue to help the server grow :D
    PvP_Senpai and ShelLuser like this.
  8. Congrats on the green team! :D
    What do you like best the comics or the shows? (Shows)
  9. Do you prefer Shrek 1 or Shrek 2 (I left out 3 and 4 for obvious reasons).
    ww2fan168 likes this.