Almost Afk Head Farm

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Sharpie42, Apr 30, 2018.

  1. So i made it a while ago but forgot to post anything about it but I made an almost AFK personal head farm on SMP5 at /Frontier n. Just head West and it is right outside the boarder of the out post made of dirt. just climb to the top and sleep in the bed to set spawn, then let the water take you.

    If you have any problems with it let me know.
  2. I have the same in /nether near my smp5 castle since a long time
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. I haven't been there, but if I inderstand thhe way it works correctly, if you have the macro mod, you can also make it 100% afk-able (well, with the auto-click rules)
    This would be the code:
    $${  IF(autorespawn);    LOG("&2&l[&9&lMacro&2&l] &6&lAutoRespawn Stopped.");    UNSET(autorespawn);    stop(); ELSE;    LOG("&2&l[&9&lMacro&2&l] &6&lAutoRespawn Enabled.");    SET(autorespawn);    DO;        RESPAWN();    WAIT(0ms);    LOOP(autorespawn); ENDIF;  }$$
    Loic_MaitreDuFeu and 607 like this.
  4. Auto respawn will help really a lot
  5. A reminder to people that full-on AFKing while collecting resources is not allowed. If a staff member PMs you to make sure you're still at the computer, you must be able to respond in a timely fashion.
    FadedMartian, Sazukemono, 607 and 2 others like this.
  6. This is why we need to put the sound at 100% when afk farm to hear the noise of a MSG
  7. Staff will also use other chats such as local and not full name so no ping...
  8. Then you shouldn't have to respond, though. I can miss chat for 5 or 10 minutes easily, when I logged into the Minecraft server, and am doing forum stuff. Of course, I'm not doing any actions then, but even if I would be, that shouldn't be a problem I think, keeping the policy in mind, as I'm not afk, I'm actually playing on EMC, just not in Minecraft. (I'm sorry for the amount of commas in that sentence >.<)
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  9. According to staff, If they message you even in say local and not full name so you dont get a ping and you are head farming and you dont respond (Even if viewing the forums), that is considered autoclicking afk.
  10. Ah. I am mistaken, then. I haven't ever paid too much attention to the details, as I don't do anything passively myself. I once considered putting some chickens above some hoppers, but even that idea I didn't like, in the end.
  11. I might not even be afking, doing something actively like at a farm, and not watching the chat, would only hear the ping. So I could get banned for that? Dude, that is really scary.
    607 likes this.
  12. From what I've heard staff is suppose to PM you. Even when not afk and playing in game it's easy to miss a local message so that would kind of be unfair. I guess unless they use your name in the local message and then you get a ping. Unless this info has changed this is what I was told in the past.
    FadedMartian, 607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  13. You don't get banned unless it's excessive and post multiple warnings on something like this. This is to prevent players from gaining advantage without actually being present on the server. If we notice you are doing something while afk, and you don't respond to a test, then we simply kick you usually. We don't use specific tests because players were creating macros around them. Yes, macros to keep us from realizing they weren't there. So we have an unpredictable testing to ensure everyone follows the rules. Not every rule break is punished by a ban though.
  14. instead of local chat, just PM them (PM pings are much better)
    If they reply, then ask them a question about themselves available at /p theirname

    That is as unpredictable/fair as it can get
  15. The thing is, now that you suggested it it's not as unpredictable anymore. :p
    Loic_MaitreDuFeu likes this.
  16. All stats there change everyday =P, and Im not sure how well can a program can interpret a differently worded question every time with the same answer, as well as similar questions with different answers

    EDIT: You could also make Aikar add a command, so staff can force a captcha in the game(like thte captcha during /res unclaim) to that player
    607 and FadedMartian like this.
  17. It's definitely hard to get banned for AFKing. In particular for head farming-- just make sure you do not pull a McNab and you'll be fine.
    607 likes this.