All my pumpkins turned into carved pumpkins

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by DoINeedATag, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. Hi all,

    I am not sure if this is where this request should be (point me in the correct direction if not please)

    I haven't played EMC for a hot minute. So once I came back and started going through what I had I noticed all my DC's of pumpkins I bought at an auction are now suddenly carved pumpkins.

    I am on utopia 5206, I put two signs up showing the corners of the large amount of DC's (cords 558/64/820)

    Can I get them changed back?
    607 likes this.
  2. This was an MC change, not an EMC change.
    That being said, if you have no use for carved pumpkins, feel free to PM me, I can take them off your hands. If you need pumpkins, I have free access to +pumpkin on smp2, so if you want to trade, we can do that :p
    607 and UltiPig like this.
  3. you, my friend, will need lots of lava
    Kryarias and ThaKloned like this.
  4. Instead of lava^^ u can use composters to turn them into bone meal. Just use hoppers to funnel the carved pumpkins into composters.

    /v +bamfurlong on smp5 also has free pumpkins and melons u can help yourself to. As well as 200 farmer villagers with pumpkin/melon trades for infinite emeralds.
    Kryarias and FadedMartian like this.
  5. oh snap I didn't even realize that
  6. Thanks all for the advice! Much appreciated.
  7. Woah, that video is making me nauseous. 🤢
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  8. I been gone myself for a bit... I just got around to my pumpkins and other food items, cause I'm remodeling my res, and saw all my pumpkins were now all carved pumpkins. SMH! WT! Does your offer still stand on a trade of pumpkins for carved pumpkins? I got 4 DCs I'd like to trade, if your still interested in a trade. Amount of traded items is up to you if you are interested.

  9. They always were carved pumpkins, it's just that they weren't called that before. Is there anything you can do with the new pumpkin block that you can't do with the new carved pumpkin block?
  10. Trade with villagers.
    Yep! I'll set up four access chests on my res 4565, you can pick up the regular pumpkins and drop your carved there :)
    BreezyMan and 607 like this.
  11. can i buy 1 of those pumkings for 69r or carved pumkings
    FadedMartian likes this.
  12. For Halloween there should be a promo for a carved pumpkin chucking catapult. For no reason other than having fun.
    BreezyMan likes this.
  13. great idea :+1: maybe orange horse armor or orange helmet slime ball

    somting orange but cool idee i rilllllllly like it
  14. Thank you. Much appreciated. Trade completed.