A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. battmeghs likes this.
  2. Same thing happened to me when I put up my Second Gen PB Silver.
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  3. Hex code #2a2a2a is the same shade of grey that is defaulted in the grey areas around posts. Using that hex code makes the text invisible upon cursory inspection but becomes visible when quoted or highlighted. Its a way to sneak hidden messages into post that can become found later one, as a kind of Easter egg..
    607 likes this.
  4. I wish I had known about it, I would have loved to have gotten a 2nd gen Silver.. My 2 silvers are 6th gen (the hatchling that is still growing) and my first silver which 3rd gen with Sweetlings, Valentines and a Flamingo Wyvern in the mix.. xD
  5. Hey can someone tell me how to hatch them?
  6. They hatch by themselves.
  7. I gave u offer for egg.
  8. Okay, that works. Just take out the daydream since I only will have space for 1 egg. And about sick eggs, you can just fog (hide) those until they get better. They can't receive views or clicks that way, and soon they will be better.
  9. Ok, i took out daydream.
  10. :cool:
    Just to elaborate, there is a teleport link somewhere in any post I make with any feline confectioneries..
  11. Sorry, my turpentine is in cool down. Anything else?
  12. Welp, I was banned from Breeding, Gifting on the DC forums. Had a Silver Tinsel request, then quit DC and got three offers. Anyway, what's your favorite gifting thread on DC forums?
  13. I use Breeding, Gifting alot, but it really depends on what you want.. Cave Plumbers rewards you for taking Cave Blockers. Glomp Gifting allows you glomp other players with "desirable" eggs and in turn get glomped..
  14. :oops:... I guess no one likes free dragons..
  15. Tomorrow I will have a 4-egg giveaway. These eggs will be given IN ONE GROUP. No exceptions. It is a magi, sunsong amphitheater thuwed, a green stripe, and a black dragon. Besides the thuwed, no special lineages (although the stripe is a second gen from to white stripe parents :/). This is intended for newer members as a nice starter kit (one rare, one magi, one rare lineaged, and one uncommon that is for fun), but can be claimed by anyone: check my scroll for the eggs.
  16. I found it but I'm hosting m own giveaway...
  17. I myself am egglocked.
  18. xD for once I made it in time!