A Brief History of My 6 Years on EMC

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Silken_thread, Apr 7, 2018.

  1. "Share your story"
    I believe this should have its own forum so an archive of the History of EMC can be preserved for posterity,

    Introduction: -

    My Game name is Silken_thread, I chose this name was as at the time I was learning web development. The world wide web (www) in itself got its name from a spiders web which spans out and catches what lands in its web. In the same way, the www, catches or collects and holds data to be shared across the world. The material of a spiders web is known as silken thread and so that is how I chose my name.

    Later in recognition of my great choice in name, Notch saw fit to use it in-game to create the Silk Touch pickaxe, - Not True.:p

    I first heard about Minecraft while watching a YouTube video on web design, at the time I was hosting my own web design videos. I decided to look at the game, purchased it and soon after started playing on my first server "SomethingCraft" here I became a moderator looking after a small group of players. Sadly due to the limited time to maintain the server, the owner shut the server down. By this time though I was also playing on EMC, mostly because it had a bigger community so there was always someone online and in the early days that was a lot of players.

    From almost the first day of joining EMC I had a shop, this later developed to a mall and later a mega-mall. I have been a businessman, merchant, philanthropist, friend and for a period of time the privilege of being a moderator on EMC.

    Being on EMC for over 6 years you tend to have seen a lot, and I would never presume to say that I have seen it all because the community has been very diverse over the years.
    When I first joined in the early days of Minecraft, EMC one of the first MC private servers, opened its doors to the public, it soon became inundated as the preverbal floodgates opened.

    At the time of joining EMC there were 6 servers and I landed on SMP6 where I made my home, moving around different residences and finally making 13131 my permanent home. Within a few days of first joining EMC created smp 7 and soon after 9 / 10 if you include Utopia. In those days every server was full a good 80% of the time with 60 player limits on each back then. This was MC going viral and servers like EMC gaining popularity very quickly.

    The original owner was JustinGuy, who was mainly a web developer not a games developer like Aikar so the code wasn’t always the best but the game worked and some players loved the bugs and unscrupulously took advantage of glitches in the game to spam diamonds. Other bugs in the game itself meant that it was possible to duplicate blocks such as in the case of sand, and sand generators (a red stone device) were being built all over EMC. Sadly, though as an economy server these where a banned item and if you were found to have one you were permanently banned with little chance of ever being allowed to play on the server again. Very soon EMC went from full servers to half full servers, it was a noticeable reduction, the moderators back then though did have their hands full and did their best under the circumstances.

    The worst MC update in my mind was Beta 1.3, the number of bugs in the code kept the devs busy for most of the next year. Items would just vanish from your inventory when using portals and many people lost items. I remember moving servers at this for a while from smp6 to smp1 and built a villager farm in town, after a few days getting a message from Maxarias (moderator at the time) that I needed to reduce the number of villagers as she had to reduce the number to 1000 :D my bad. Villager trading was part of that update with unlimited trading of paper, emeralds etc, and a good number of players where building mega sugar cane farms, prices for many items bottomed out not unlike a stock market crash.

    Other things that occurred: -

    The first wedding took place between Maxarias and Aikar.

    Maxarias and Aikar became part of the management team on EMC.

    Maxarias and Aikar / Starlis took over EMC

    Maxarias and Krysyy community managers

    Maxarias retired :(

    Krysyy Remained :)

    Aikar destroys the economy - Not true :p
    It was Notch allowing unlimited Testificate/Villager trades :eek: True

    Many more MC Updates took place

    EULA (End-user license agreement) – After several complaints from parents to Mojang over private servers charging for services that in essence, where part of the MC game but in order to access them on the servers they had to pay $ for these. Mojang decided without making any efforts to contact server owners first to try and resolve this issue in a more peaceful way to enforce EULA. This was a shock to the system, in the years up to this point, a number of businesses had developed such as hosting servers for MC and media companies such as YOGSCAST (worth an estimated $6.7 Million) creating video content which helped boost sales of MC and created employment and incomes for many people. With free access to play on servers in a community, it was a personal choice to pay for in-game membership and items, although some seen this as exploitation many games and app’s use this as a method to generate revenue which became controversial.

    As a consequence, Notch the game's developer decided to sell Mojang to Microsoft for over $2 Billion. I am not sure if Microsoft has enforced EULA but EMC have become EULA compliant and Microsoft seem more interested in developing the game for games consoles such as its X-Box. If you know more on Microsoft position of EULA and where it’s going with MC development please feel free to comment.

    Over the years many developments of mob farms have been created and re-created with a mega amount of video content on YouTube showing you how to build the best farms to get the most loot. They don’t all work as well on a public server, but they have been very imaginative from gold farms in the nether on top of the nether to in the overworld. Slime farms from slimeballs to slime blocks, blaze, zombie, skeleton, Iron, darkroom and ender man farms, and let’s not forget the wood farms and logging machines we have seen them all.

    Staff have come and gone, all have made EMC a fun place and in some way contributed to what it is today, and over all those years thousands of players. Many have grown up on EMC and in that time developed and matured from players to moderators and SS.

    Who knows what the next few years will bring or who will be around for the 10th year celebrations, it could be You!
  2. Nice summary! Microsoft is actually the primary entity that went headstrong for EULA. I'm not aware of any communications before them actually. EMC has communicated with them and sometimes debated policies (and won a few things to stay like voting rewards). :)

    That's all the extraneous info I have for ya.
  3. Good post. :)
    MoreMoople and Silken_thread like this.
  4. amazing

    just amazing
    Silken_thread and MoreMoople like this.
  5. Thanks for the read :)
    Silken_thread, MoreMoople and 607 like this.
  6. Thanks for sharing your history perspective. Very interesting indeed!
    Silken_thread, MoreMoople and 607 like this.
  7. Good point of view indeed on this :)
    Silken_thread, MoreMoople and 607 like this.
  8. Awesome read! Thanks :D
    Silken_thread, 607 and MoreMoople like this.
  9. Very good! I enjoyed reading this, so thank you for talking the time to write it! =)
    Silken_thread and 607 like this.
  10. Thanks for the nice comments
    Ethy202 and MoreMoople like this.