[300k+ in prizes] [Giveaway] The Sacrifice Game V3

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Rhyblet, Jul 12, 2019.

  1. Bump for all you madmen and madwomen who are awake at 6 am for whatever reason
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  2. istn bump is every 12h?
  3. and its 11.6am duuuuhh
  4. I'm like 85% sure that's only auctions, but if it isn't, then I have some posts to delete
    Jay2a and 607 like this.
  5. Yet another late night/early morning bump
  6. The 12hr bump rule is only for auctions, to my knowledge
    4thOfJurhy likes this.
  7. Bump, just over 2 more days to enter!
  8. Bump, just under 2 more days to enter!
  9. I’m in! If I can! Thanks!
  10. Bump! Slightly under 24 hours left to enter!
    Skiddylicense04 likes this.
  11. Bump, slightly over 17 hours left to enter!
    Skiddylicense04 likes this.
  12. Bump, slightly under 6 hours left to enter!
    Skiddylicense04 likes this.
  13. RESULTS!


    Required 0 sacrifices, 14 sacrifices were made
    Winner: __Devil_

    Required 3 sacrifices, 21 sacrifices were made
    Winner: Lukas3226

    Required 5 sacrifices, 21 sacrifices were made
    Winner: 607

    Marlix Bow
    Required 10 sacrifices, 20 sacrifices were made
    Winner: _Goatz_

    Momentus Toothpick
    Required 15 sacrifices, 20 sacrifices were made
    Winner: MoreMoople

    Required 20 sacrifices, 21 sacrifices were made
    Winner: _Goatz_ (again :p)

    Empire Waffle
    Required 25 sacrifices, 27 sacrifices were made
    No winner: No entries

    Dragon Poop
    Required 30 sacrifices, 13 sacrifices were made
    No winner: Not enough sacrifices

    Netherhound Egg
    Required 30 sacrifices, 13 sacrifices were made
    No winner: Not enough sacrifices

    67.5k (2.5k per participant, 27 participants)
    Required 5 entries, 5 entries were made
    Winner: Jay2a

    Prizes have been sent out. Thanks for playing! :)
    Jay2a and Lukas3226 like this.
  14. Cool event/game very cool to win two prizes, thanks for hosting. :D
    4thOfJurhy likes this.
  15. How did I not win anything :O

    (Edit for clarity: I passed on all of the entries, this isn’t me being pretentious haha)
    4thOfJurhy likes this.
  16. I’m so sorry! I was away camping!
  17. Oh right I forgot about this thread, I was wondering where the money came from :p