[ 2019 ] ART COMMISSIONS [ closed ]

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Bosoc, Nov 25, 2017.


Have you been a commissioner on my old thread?

Heck ya man! 16 vote(s) 26.2%
na mate, been busy gettin rich 45 vote(s) 73.8%
  1. .........

    Bosoc likes this.
  2. Are you trying to tell me this face doesn't just scream uguu
    ArkonXT, Bosoc, JohnKid and 1 other person like this.
  3. Can I get that anti-aging stuff you been using?
    4thOfJurhy, Bosoc and ArkonXT like this.
  4. I've casually watched this thread for so long and admired all of your work. You only seem to amaze me more and more.
    It's about time that I order my own =)

    what are you ordering: Full body and Icon

    when can you send payment: As soon as you approve

    do you want your MC skin drawn, or something else: MC skin pretty please

    if no to MC skin, link what character/person here: N/A

    any extra information i should know? I'm going to send you a PM with some other (private) info in the next few minutes.
  5. no it screams UwU

    get bamboozled
    Bosoc likes this.
  6. Hey there I want myself another one of these amazing pieces of art. I also will send you payment now for I request a Complex piece of my skin this time: https://mine.ly/SkeleTin007.2

    Edit: Background is up to you :p
    607 likes this.
  7. i love how no one comments about what on my computer screen, its just normal at this point

    i actually turned 16 today, im feeling the wrinkles growing in
    shouldv asked for the youth cream a month ago man
    Captain__Foxy, __Devil_, 607 and 5 others like this.
  8. ah yes the original police in chief officer, i have not obtained any illegal substance in the past 24 hours so do not worry
    (cough) anyways, iv drawn ur skin many times so u should be a breeze~~ u can send that payment whenever u can!

    ooo "private" info yvfuyrcjb
  9. Happy birth of the day to ya Bosoc :p
    __Devil_, Bosoc, ZanDarkin and 2 others like this.
  10. Well happy late birthday! I keep tabs so I was just checkin', your artwork and memes are gold ;)
    ArkonXT and Bosoc like this.

  11. my neck hurts
    you get a green bg cuz ur gross
    JDHallows, Kaddrii, JohnKid and 5 others like this.
  12. Ahh I love it so much! Thank you!

    Also, take care of yourself/your neck, and rest :p
    JDHallows, Bosoc and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  13. I’ve really started to appreciate this art style and spongebob deserves a break as my avatar so here I go:
    what are you ordering: Full body Avatar with background

    when can you send payment: As soon as you poke me for it

    do you want your MC skin drawn, or something else:MC Skin, with some kind of space background

    if no to MC skin, link what character/person here:

    any extra information i should know? The blue fire on the hands of my skin is a really important detail so make sure you get that :)

    Thank you!
  14. what are you ordering: an icon with a white background

    when can you send payment: in like an hour or somethin, soon as I get on mc

    do you want your MC skin drawn, or something else: my MC skin.

    if no to MC skin, link what character/person here: n/a

    any extra information i should know? eh not really I just thought it's time for a new avatar, you feel me? plus you're like an art goddess so who better to get one from lol
    Bosoc and Joy_the_Miner like this.

  15. they look like a huskey in my style smfh
  16. for a second i thought his knees were missing
    Kaddrii and Elaeric like this.
  17. If you have no knees then your defence is 100%
  18. Kaddrii, ArkonXT, __Devil_ and 4 others like this.
  19. Kaddrii, 4thOfJurhy, Bosoc and 4 others like this.
  20. The amount of memes in this thread is close to godliness
    Kaddrii, ArkonXT and 4thOfJurhy like this.