2014 Christmas Event Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by ultipig, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. I see you've also thought of the Santa Claus Armor. Great minds think alike.
    Ultimamaxx likes this.
  2. please no super pigs xD my hand will be twitching for the amount of clicking ill be doing rofl
    Ultimamaxx likes this.
  3. some of the items should just be in the empire shop so only those who can afford it can have it (so there aren't a lot; it would be there for a limited time)
    mad4wirblet likes this.
  4. But then only richer people would have it and i recon there would be alot of new players annoyed by that
  5. No, it should be opposite xD Never only for free, only in the shop is good though.
    I think one (or a choice of one out of three) should be free, but the others should only be able to be bought. That way players without money will still be able to get at least something out of it, and it will still have some value.
  6. yes if there are more than one to claim then only one is free, and the others are to be bought from the shop at a high price
    607 likes this.
  7. Hey did the promos end I was out of town.
  8. They don't end until January 10th so everyone can claim them.
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.