12 Days of Christmas 1Million rupee Giveaway

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Gianluca99Star, Nov 27, 2018.


Should I continue to Host these Giveaways

Yay 48 vote(s) 96.0%
Nay 2 vote(s) 4.0%
  1. Cool of you to do, I'll take 135 please.
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  2. 169, please! Thank you for doing this, I wouldn't dare give away 1 million rupees, but at least there are generous people like you in the community!
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  3. Eh, what can i lose. 69 for the laughs.

    thanks for doing this, looks pretty cool! :)
    FadedMartian and Gianluca99Star like this.
  4. 170! thanks for doing this!
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  5. Gian thanks for hosting this!
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  6. 172 please :D
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  7. It doesn't seem like the prizes are getting more expensive each day. :p I'm not sure if an ESCD isn't worth more than 20k, but I am sure that 50k and a Holiday Axe isn't worth less than 50k on its own. ;)
    Anyway: very nice! Number 127, please.
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  8. Thanks Gianluca99Star! Very sweet of you. I'll take 133
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  9. Thanks for doing this.
    I'll take 33 please.
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  10. What a nice gesture Gian, 66 please :D
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  11. Thank you for hosting this GA!
    165 please :)
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  12. Thanks for doing this, I always apriciate it when people give me a change to get things :)

    68 please :)
    Gianluca99Star and 607 like this.
  13. Awesome to see the kindness Gian <3

    Ill take 3 please!
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  14. Thank you for doing this, so kind! :)

    I'd like to have number 38, please. :)
    Gianluca99Star and 607 like this.
  15. 3 is taken :(
  16. 33? 9?
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  17. I’ll take a good oll 21
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  18. Cool! 83 please
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  19. GIVE ME 201 - 101 + 40 + 6

    Edit: 146 so everyone knows what my number is
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  20. This angel likes participating in this kind of giveaways!

    I'll take 124
    Gianluca99Star likes this.