1.9 Prerelease

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by ElectricSparx, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. You're wrong about the 4-block thing. I just 6-blocked my alt. If PenguinDJ2 was an actual person, he couldn't hit me anyway because you can only hit ~3.5 normally.

    This will still be an issue in 1.9.
  2. H4x0r, :p Trust you to figure it out. You established KA is dumb no matter what.
  3. Hey, what else am I supposed to do when I'm bored? Lucid is fun to play with. I have a command block spawning zombies on a fast clock. :p
    Dufne likes this.
  4. Shame no one can beat nub and now he has to fight himself...
    FoxyRavenger and PenguinDJ like this.
  5. PenguinDJ2 is a hacker too. I think he gave himself resistance 255, auto armor, auto respawn, and anti knockback. So sad, I used to like him. :(
    Keliris likes this.
  6. What a punk...
  7. I'll say this on the PvP front.

    1.9 PvP is a lot slower. Like, tanky slower. Gapples as your main food source means you pretty much won't die as the saturation -> regen mechanic will keep you alive unless the other person has a weapon that can kill you in 1-2 hits.

    From what I've observed about 1.7/1.8 PvP, it's that the main skill you need to have is the ability to combo people. Combos are essentially getting repeated knockback on your opponent so that you can repeatedly deal damage to them, but they can't deal damage to you.

    You can still perform combos in 1.9, they just won't be as effective.