I'm pretty sure there are cat leashes available to buy at stores... By the way, can't wait to test the leash properties on you.(in the mod)
I truly want a leash to capture all the pigmen! Makes it easier for me to tug a mooshroom to the nether! Wool carpets need to be better though, two would for one? No. Just plain no.
When EMC is updated to 1.6, only 1 thought comes to mind: Running around the LLO on a horse in a Paul Revere skin shouting that mobs are coming
At least I do My male cat is as active as a dog and he needs to see the street often or he goes berserk even tho he is neutered. I know that people do it. They also walk bunnies and liguans so, why not? If it's got legs, it can walk xD
It's the gallows! What if leashes can be used on players, if so, I sense new and cruel punishments...
This......the amount of awesome in this picture......it's over 9000 (EDIT) Also. Now i can do Old Spice ads in Minecraft :3
If leashes can be used on players the mods have a whole new world of moderating to do ._. (Edit) I recently learned that Leashes eliminate the need for wheat to lead animals. I could not be happier :3