[1.5.2] DO NOT UPDATE!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Dec 18, 2012.

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  1. um. I updated before i saw this...
  2. Me too.. D: I am very sad (not able to use the options listed to downgrae MC, and my system restore failed!)

    What is the estimated time for the server update? Does anyone know?
  3. You could follow that or just have to wait. It usually takes just a day or two maybe 3 to update EMC.
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. I can't do any of those (except the go off to one player, which is very boring)
    I just hope that the derelict policy IS indeed suspended so I don't lose my residence~
  5. It usually is during updates. :)
  6. Good! :oops:
    So when the update is done, I will probably have mad redstone skills! XD

    D: D: Just realized I wont get my daily sign in bonus.. wahh..
  7. Not a problem, really.
    Are you still voting every day? Plenty of rupees to be had there.

    And pandas, two to three days is a bit optimistic, it probably wont be until after Christmas.
    *dies in a little fetal position*

    How else will I spend my time?? :eek:
    True to the voting, that's how I got an enchanted axe.
    And, of course, this happens RIGHT after I start to upgrade my account -.-.

    Anyway, here's to EMC updating quickly and efficiently!!
  9. plz update soon i am bored
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. We've already discussed this, it will be updated as soon as possible.
    Please don't come on this thread just to beg for the update.
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  11. u didn't tell me that
  12. Just you so know, I'm probably going to report every post like that from now on.
    They are Spam and unnecessary.
  13. I updated b4 i read this.

    Can some1 help me so that i dont lose my house
  14. You won't.
    The derelict policy is frozen during the update period.
  15. good i spent lots of money making a sweet house
  16. Protip: bothering to read the links that people are kind enough to get for you ends well and is a great idea! Spamming in a huge font will NEVER end well. Help yourself and read the link. :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. u guys r the best sever i had and i my playing stupid sever that i hate:(
  18. Then you should read the freaking links on how to downgrade Minecraft and stop spamming this thread.
    penfoldex, mba2012 and JackBiggin like this.
  19. it was not there i i updated it:mad:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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