05/22/18: Can't log into Minecraft? Patience!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, May 22, 2018.

  1. Hi gang!

    Figured I'd post this here to keep everyone informed. Mojang is having issues with their API server(s) it seems which means that some parts of the game may not work right now. If you can't log on please be patient and don't try to continuously log on! Take a 15 - 20 min break between attempts. The problem is that your login request could still be logged, and Mojang also has security systems in place which will detect repeated failed logon attempts and if those exceed a certain threshold your account can get temporarily locked to prevent abuse.

    But something odd is going on: right now I am logged on as Shell but whenever I log on as other Shell I get errors about a failed password. That's the API server going haywire for you.

    Another way how this may manifest itself: situations like these always make me a little nervous so I've also decided to change my passwords again. Yah... while I can easily log onto minecraft.net (including security questions) I can't on mojang.com right now, which makes this somewhat problematic.

    Anyway: Mojang seems to be aware and they're working on it.
    We3_MPO, SkeleTin007, khixan and 6 others like this.
  2. Thanks for the update!! Hopefully this issue will get resolved soon!
  3. Appreciate it :)
  4. Thanks for confirming that its not just me being tired. I was getting super irritated to the point I changed this account's password 3 different times... UGH
  5. Confirmed! I just logged onto the Mojang website and my security questions got fully accepted again. Now to plan for my password changes :)

    Yah, that's what also happened to me. Here's hoping they manage to sort the whole thing out real soon.

    Worst case scenario would be resetting your account(s) in the launcher.

    If you go to your Minecraft system folder then you'll find a file called 'launcher_profiles.json'. That contains information about any game profile(s) you may have made as well as information on all your account(s) used to log on.

    So here's the thing: after you log on they create an 'accesstoken' which is then used to authenticate you more quickly. This also allows you to still play the game even if you're offline for example. What you could do is to remove those account entries which will force the system to fully log you on again.

    Just make sure to start by making a backup copy in case you mess up. Also: I'd only try this as a last resort, your problem should fix itself within a few moments / hour.

    PS (edit): That downdetector site is hilarious ;) Well, some of the responses are. Seems this outage even managed to break up a relationship which doesn't seem very healthy from the start :p
    Sazukemono, Slvr and 607 like this.
  6. I managed to log onto all but one of my accounts, even a password change didn't help. Seems there might be issues for some people still.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  7. Agreed. I can log into FadedMartian2, but not FadedMartian... D:
  8. I had that happen to me today but I always keep a note reminding me of my password in case I need a refresher
    FadedMartian likes this.
  9. a sticky note, hanging off of Skele's computer:
    "mc password:
    SkeleTin007 and FadedMartian like this.
  10. If that was my password I would be like how did you guess that?
    Sydney_43 likes this.
  11. It worked for me. I just had to re-enter my email and password info. (I'm not talking about just now, but earlier today while the issue was, according to you all, happening.)