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Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by The_Laxbros, Sep 22, 2012.

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  1. Thank you, but i have already read that, and this post is made for the complaint over said new rules that were made TOO Harsh, which was the point i guess. but it is sort of a lame situation in general in my case as of now.
  2. Its part of the new punishments. As I dont know what you were banned for, lets say you were banned for greifing, and this is kind of how you, if you did greif, made the victim feel.
    RainbowChin and butters89 like this.
  3. you had a warning, when you first read the guide. commandment 3:
  4. Now was this post needed? ive been told quite a few times now, on what i already know.
  5. So you say this are good rules in place but if effects you they are too harsh sorry but that doesn't how it works around here.
    RainbowChin likes this.
  6. Except in this case, i hurt noone. Unless someone somewhere is extremely offended by someone flying other than walking, i do not believe that i made any particular person "feel bad"

    However i do appreciate the kindness of how this post was written. props
  7. Now was this thread needed, when you could have PMed the mods.
  8. Clearly.
  9. Except flying is cheating, and as I take it you were in the wild, you were flying around, when someone who plays legit was walking.
  10. its not a new rule, you could never use mods that give you an advantage over others, the punishment just became a bit more serious because ppl didnt care they were breaking the rules.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  11. You're lucky you were even allowed back to EMC. You got careless and yes people do mistakes, but you shouldn't be ranting about how unfair a reset on your res and inventory is. It is necessary. Alot of our members have become...'corrupted' recently and been banned.
    For example, one of them used a teleport hack and a fly hack. They were allowed back because they manned up and confessed. When they were allowed back, their res was deleted and their inventory cleared. They were then permanently banned from EMC for a reason I do not know, because their ban reason is 'undefined'.
    butters89 and penfoldex like this.
  12. Actually i had PM'd the mods back when i was banned, i am now not looking for anything that will bring anything back of mine, because it is not possible.
  13. Oh yes i am aware of that, at the occurrence of this happening, i was mistakenly disregarding that rule due to being extremely ignorant at the time. Which was my bad, and i deserved punishment. Just not as much as i received.
  14. Ya know, I actually respect this post. And you're right. it was a mistake, and people make mistakes. And as you said, i should of followed the rules and not ignorantly disregarded them at the time. Im not saying i still approve, but about this "rant" i do believe it is over the top as well as my punishment.
  15. Close enouugh.
  16. Let me tell you this:
    You deserved your punishment.
    You made a mistake.
    You were forgiven.
    Now go and play and make a better residence.
    penfoldex and Dwight5273 like this.
  17. Well I'm done "arguing" about this it's going nowhere. Hopefully, you learned your lesson and grateful that the staff have let you continue to play on EMC server's.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  18. I file that as a rule, in which i ignorantly disregarded at the time. A mistake made.
  19. Okay, have a nice day. No argument needed :)
  20. I hope this thread is closed by a mod. You deserved your punishment, and you can go and build a new res.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
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