Comments on Profile Post by Sadie_Dragon

  1. Sadie_Dragon
    I normally wouldn't do this but, recently the hard drive on my driving laptop has begun critical failure, and I don't have a great stock of recordings in advance. Tight budget, but I'm still getting a price point for good laptops that aren't a grand.
    (just... amazing..)
    Jul 21, 2020
  2. Sadie_Dragon
    I do have a laptop currently, but the second I launch 1.16 it overheats completely. Including the battery. It also doesn't have a GPU sooooo OBS refuses to record.
    Jul 21, 2020
  3. Sadie_Dragon
    (Also: WHY is it always the hard drives? When I build my first PC i want an SSD. HDs are getting a bad rep for me.)
    Jul 21, 2020
  4. ElfinPineapple
    <1k for all that won’t be an issue. :D

    What I'd be paying close attention to is the cooling setups. Laptops are notoriously bad at having adequate cooling because of lack of open space (it's a universal issue). The biggest thing is to make sure you're not getting something with horrible cooling for laptop standards. It would also be worth considering getting some kind of cooling dock to go with it.
    Jul 21, 2020
  5. Sadie_Dragon
    I have gone with Lenovo Ideapads in the past, but my 2019 one had a hard drive failure within a year of purchase, and I am shying away from it because I don't want another...
    Jul 21, 2020
  6. Sadie_Dragon
    As for cooling, i've not had much issue with cooling. both latitudes were set up the same and one was totally fine but the other roasted itself for touching minecraft
    Jul 21, 2020
  7. ultipig
    Have you considered getting a desktop PC? They are cheaper and better (as long as you can sacrifice the portability).
    Jul 21, 2020
  8. Sadie_Dragon
    "cheaper", I'm not sure i can vouch for that one. I tried making a mockup list and it was almost $900. (+ covid caused shortages and raised a few prices for a bit) When i got the ideapad in 2017, it was ~$300, and lasted almost 2 years. Paid the same 2019 and got a terrible laptop.
    Jul 21, 2020