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On to greener pastures

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Bronze Forum Member
, Male, from On to greener pastures

Moo. May 3, 2024 at 6:32 PM

    1. AlexHallon
    2. mba2012
      I sent you a pm can you answer it please?
    3. t6ler
      I will not be on for a while because of some issues. Can you please save my residence on smp1 from the 10 day reset thing? Much appreciated :)
      1. JackBiggin
        To be on the safe side, I'd PM him if I was you. It seems to be a sure fire way.
        May 25, 2012
    4. insomniac5252
      ok so my friend got banned when i was on his account for an offensive skin and he has now changed it. Can you please let him back on?? his name is TwoN00bzOneCup
      1. JackBiggin
        May 25, 2012
    5. Spiritress
      Dear IceCreamCow,
      Thank you once again for fixing my res water glitch! I'm posting this because I am curious about the next update scheduled for sometime in June. There will be lots of new additions to generated worlds, but I would like to know if the wild will be reset for this update? Thank you for taking the time to answer/read my question. :)
    6. warlockmii
      Hello, i accidentally cancelled my diamond supporter subscription is there any way for you or justin to fix this?
    7. doucare5000
      hey why is it if someone dosent get on for 10 days free member ship there res gets deleted
      1. mtp1997
        This is to make room for new members to have a res.
        May 23, 2012
    8. joelil56
      Can you make it Were like instead of making you wait 1 day for rupees you can like do missions and get a surtan amount of R
      1. JackBiggin
        There are ways of getting more rupees without waiting 24 hours. These include:
        *Running a shop
        *Doing odd jobs for people
        *Becoming a supplier for a large shop
        *Winning competitions (not a steady income)
        May 24, 2012
      2. ChespinLover77
        Don't forget voting
        Nov 24, 2016
    9. Spartan_Lemonade
      can you please declaim res 9018 it is blank and the guy hasn't logged on once
    10. stephan9r9r
      can you declaim res 14138? ty (42 days i think)
    11. tshack235
      Congratz on administrator :D

      I need to get on forums more, when did you get admin status?
      1. Xinn
    12. epiklukk
      Hey icecream i was banned for i think forever for spammin? idk.... please let me bck in
      1. copherfield
        Ban appeals should be sent via PRIVATE message. All ban appeals posted on my profile will be deleted. Please follow the proper procedure. - ICC
        [couple of lines up and down]
        May 21, 2012
    13. MadJackJack
      Icecreamcow where do you get the server worlds from and can u tell me Because I want one on my server thx
      1. jameskim885
        I think they just make a server and use super flat or actually smooth out the land!
        May 23, 2012
    14. Olga
      Hey, Minecraft was deleted from my computer from my Dad, meaning I'll have to wait a while for him to cool down, is it possible that if I'm not on in a while, that you could save my Residence? Thanks. -Yank
    15. Shane7796
      Hi Ice cream cow, nice name, I'm new here nice server too
    16. 621op
      ICC you are following thank you i could die peacefully now lol
    17. Beardswell
      hi there cow sir
      1. IcecreamCow
        Hi there Beardless Beard man.
        May 16, 2012
    18. IcecreamCow
      Ban appeals should be sent via PRIVATE message. All ban appeals posted on my profile will be deleted. Please follow the proper procedure.
      1. YOU12MAEC likes this.
      2. tazzthemazz
        i dont know how to send a private message otherwise i would of
        May 12, 2012
      3. tazzthemazz
        oh i just found out u go into infomation and click on start conversation
        May 12, 2012
    19. Cait1bh
      Guys, Please stop asking Icc to lift you're ban. This is not the place to do it. Start a conversation about it with him, or Private Message him. Just, don't do it here... Please, How would you like it if I posted a ban lift on you're profil along with 30 others. Wouldn't it be a little nerve racking?
      1. YOU12MAEC likes this.
      2. tazzthemazz
        sorry its cause i just really like the server and want to get back on
        May 12, 2012
      3. Cait1bh
        It's ok... it wasn't really you that was asking icc to let them on, it was others =)
        May 12, 2012
      4. Cait1bh
        Its just that if you look at most of the post's on Icc's page, they are mainly about bain removals.... That kinda annoys me
        May 12, 2012
    20. doucare5000
      how dose the supporter thing work is it repeating or once
      1. IcecreamCow
        It's a monthly membership. However, you're able to cancel at any time.
        May 11, 2012
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  • About

    On to greener pastures
    My name is Jeremy and I'm a game-a-holic. My friends and I like to play fun games in our spare time and record the shenanigans that come from them.

    We have a wide variety of games we enjoy recording and try and hit up all the 'big' ones when we can, like the COD, GTA, Minecraft, etc.

    Our goal is humor, which is sometimes a bit on the mature side, especially depending on the game. Feel free to give us a sub if you'd like and let us know if you like our videos. :)

