Looks like the hacker took down every server now...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Tigerstar, Jul 22, 2015.

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  1. Ok. But my brother doesn't lie.
  2. Mc is back up
    Jstclair41 and TigerstarMC like this.
  4. Anyone know exactly what happened? I woke up today and everything was fixed. :)
  5. that's always fun. i'll share my story too. back when i was in elementary school (aka a long time ago before Windows existed) i went in and edited the autoexec.bat file on every computer in my schools lab to show an animated gif on startup. so the following morning when the first class went in there and booted up the computers all they got was an animated gif of Max Headroom I put on there. they didn't know how to fix this even though it was simple and they ended up paying a guy to come in and re-format all of the computers. not the same as DDoS'ing but it was still funny to me.

    fun times, fun times.
    ShelLuser, SoulPunisher and PenguinDJ like this.
  6. We're not saying your brother is lying (or at least I'm not), he was just misinformed. These people used a network of computers to send packets of information to Mojang's servers, which prevented legitimate traffic (you and me) from getting online. At least that's how I understand it.
  7. Ok, thanks for yours help.
  8. Is that the hackers account? I'm guessing.
  9. It was their account, but they were not hacking. The account was suspended yesterday.
  10. just as you went to bed, it got fixed ;D
  11. Between this and him 'making up' the word 'git' (which is quite an offensive word), I suggest you stop repeating what your brother says to you and start researching stuff first.
  12. Ok.. god!!!!!!!!
  13. Some kid paid to rent a botnet to DDOS Mojang's servers. It was already obvious he wasn't some "master hacker" even more so after he announced it would last X more hours. That's how much time he had paid for.
    Patr1cV likes this.
  14. An attack of this size is likely to be more than just a rented botnet or was some sort of backhand deal not normally shown to the public.
  15. Ahh well it make a good thread of everyone flipping tables
    ShelLuser and DeathPunchKitty like this.
  16. umm.....are you sure?
  17. A well-known hacker group called Lizard Squad rents out massive botnets in up to 8 hour increments at a time and 8 hours costs just a little over 100 bucks.

    This guy could have milked it and been like, "It will continue until I get bored." but by announcing how much longer it would last he basically just told everyone that he's some kid with a credit card.
  18. Lizard Squad think that 'HOICSquad' are a joke, as evidenced by their Twitter 'conversation' with them.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  19. Not Certain there would be a hacker there wouldn't....... he/she must have logged some of mojang's files thrus making a server authentication down just like that, but not a hacker its eather that or ........ (msg) me for more info im sure this might happen in 2015-2016 well hope not ;) happy hopes- 2015-2016 Radecss
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