Friday Night Mining [2015]

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by MrSocks75, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. ^Before
    v After
  2. That was a fun trip guys :) I really enjoyed all the mining,building,playing pirates,and just helping out :D
    Hope to be at the next one, really looking forward to it :p
    Uber_Corq and Kytula like this.
  3. So our landmark for FNM tonight started out as this...

    Have yet to see what the finished result will be. I left it as this..
    Uber_Corq and Dwight5273 like this.
  4. Well I think it was a success. In fact, I don't think anyone would disagree with the statement that this was the single greatest Friday Night Mining session ever, and ever to come. Thanks for coming, everyone;

  5. Aweosme! I'll try to come!
  6. I might show up if I get some other stuff done early this evening.
  7. Where is it this time?
  8. Location is ALWAYS released just before the event starts.
  9. This already started... sorry, got somethin' to to work on @ res, =(
  10. I figured I'll join in next week's Friday Night Mining.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  11. tonight is smp3
    TigerstarMC likes this.
  12. im not complaining, i know the waste isnt a spa resort but u could have added a little better directions i think. some people say go south (cobble bridge), others say go south-west. eventually some1 says in town chat 'no, go west' and when i ended up spending the whole night fighting creepers and zombies and finally could check map its between west - north-west.

    that can kinda spoil the mood a bit; if u cant find anyone while following directions...
  13. Here is a link to some video from events in July

    It's hard to make it every Friday, but we always look forward to the group mining events!
    Kytula likes this.
  14. Do smp2! ./waste s!
  15. The best time I ever had was blowing up bk to start the event. He knows i do love tnt
  16. where's the FNM party?
  17. There's a tunnel this time, well lit and directly to the fnm location.
    AyanamiKun likes this.