Where has Legit been: A rant

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Mrlegitislegit, May 29, 2015.

  1. I think my posts are futile as this seems to be a reoccuring group of people that just go on about the same things but, what barrier is there between veterans and noobs? I owned everything I could want past OP promos(and some of those too) and was co owner of a LEGIT (puns?) mall within just over a month. Built afk farms, redstone machines, been to events, won mob arenas, started community mines in the wastelands that stayed active for longer than the resources did XD (no clue) been a part of constructing very large builds in outposts and setting the framework for those communities. Am staff at a PUBLIC outpost and co owner of a private outpost. Been to several public outposts and if you haven't been to LLO you really are doing yourself a disservice, its definitely impressive.

    I'm not an emc noob. I'm a full fledged minecraft noob. If you want to do something on here you can. If you want to make an active outpost you can. Before I left farbranch(and even still, I didn't leave just haven't been active there) there was someone there almost 24/7 and usually several people there. I gave DOZENS of tours over the course of a few weeks and brought all kinds of new people out and got some to live out there with me.

    Even tonight I went running around town with someone that has been playing for 900ish days talking about the evolution of the market in emc. As I said before, expectation seems to influence perception and there is a lot of people around here, not just those that have commented here, I can think of at least half a dozen others that are on the forums all the time talking about how emc isn't worth playing on and yet they stay here?

    Every post made like this, about how much better emc or the community used to be ends up getting grief from active members or gets buried in(irony incoming) active posts never to be seen again. It's cool, I'm done on this thread, until next time.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. I would not be replying to you at 2 AM if I hadnt fallen asleep at 4PM, that aside...

    The main barriers between noobs and verterans are:
    • Trust
    • Maturity
    Lets begin with trust... It is extremely hard for even me to invite a player less than a year old to join me in a project. Why you might ask? Well, its the internet... anonymity is a big part of it, I dont know you and you dont know me. You dont know who to trust and who not to trust until you get to know someone which brings me to my second point...
    Maturity. The community has become full of younger players, players who do not use the correct language in chat or cant hold an actual civilized conversation. I will be the first to tell you that age has nothing to do with how you act or talk, there are people younger then me who are truly more intelligent. EMC's chat is filled with incorrect word usage. Sure I will use the letter "u" or something dumb like that but... I wish people would use real words instead of abbreviations or slang.
    Hope this helped you understand why there is a barrier between noobs and vets, other players might have a different reason but I think what I wrote might be the top 2 reasons.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  3. You still aren't getting the point of this thread. You keep listing material things on EMC as if we are complaining that we need something to do/build/play with. This purely has to do with connecting with people and creating more of an actual community feeling.
    DubChef, SoulPunisher and mba2012 like this.
  4. Okay. I may be considered a new player, and I wasn't there in the good old days. I have however indeed seen much change in the way the community is. Change. That's not necessarily bad.
    Playing in-game on EMC does indeed not really interest me anymore. The times with good conversation all the time on smp7 has been long gone. You say "hi", and there's a very big chance you'll just be ignored.
    Still though, I think the forums are still doing good. Okay, there's much less interesting activity than there was 2 years ago. But that's obvious! Things like these can't stay forever, people run out of subjects to talk about... I think we've done quite great at keeping this alive!
    It's kind of disappointing that so few new people join the forums lately. I mean, sure, there are enough welcome threads... but most people don't post in any other thread than those welcome threads. But even though there are much less than back in the day... there are still new amazing people coming!
    And I know there are also people leaving... that'll always happen.
    But I think that this community has done quite great in staying alive, even though both JustinGuy and Jeremy have since left.
    And I do think relations are still being made. I have more friends on here now than I did one year ago.
  5. Lol thats me on that pic and im not even a year old! when is that pic taken?
  6. Since Gawadrolt is in here (Nothing personal bud :p)

    I might as well add my opinion....

    I do remember times when the community was a lot smaller. But yes, times have changed since additions of smps. To me, different smps have their own 'special' attributes. If you need proof the smp8 is your proof (I like you guys don't worry xD) But to my point....
    Communitys are either not fun or inclusive now a days. I don't want to join one a specific smp community for that reason. I am very open to all smps I zip around smp5,6, &9. If anything, I am a open member who is open to any community that I hang around with.
    It's not how they use correct language... It's how they will fit into EMC. Your saying that some people (probably your referring to new members) are not speaking out well. Now tell me this, if you were new would you like to present a speech that you haven't practiced to your community? Let them explore what EMC is. Only then they will understand what they want to do at EMC.

    Gawadrolt, there is community out there I know. Although I haven't heard from you in a while, I don't doubt that you have been taking other new members with you. You are being a great welcomer taking them under your wing.
    I haven't really bothered with economy, EMC isn't all economy. If you do think this way then yes it's not worth your time to play here. You will get bored. Community is everything to keep a server running, and people who say that emc isn't worth playing they are just wanting a change. If you want change, change something like a new members start by giving them a head start and interacting with them. Don't be exclusive to others. That is the most important. Only then when we all figure it out, we will have members that are more interested.

    That is my rant so you can judge me whatever you feel like...
    607 likes this.
  7. Well, I beg to differ to be honest. In my opinion it's also for a large part what you make of things. Now, don't get this the wrong way but I can point your comment right back at you: instead of ranting about it (I don't mean this in a negative way, I've had my share of rant too) you could also have started something yourself.

    Thing is; there's a huge difference between setting something up yourself and commenting on how you'd need more ;)

    Once again, no offense intended, but I don't quite agree with your statement. There are plenty of players who go out of their ways to set something up. My recent memories being the GSA award, the numerous of give-away events and the sporadic stuff which just happens when friends band together. Some events are in-game, and some on these forums. But they are there.

    Example: skin competition anyone? Just because you don't like those (with you I mean you, dear reader, in general) doesn't mean they're not there. Better yet: they're also an excellent way of meeting new people. Want more: hop servers and look out for them there. I've actually done this a few times (even though I don't really like skin competitions) and you'd be surprised at the diversity of players and competitions you'll come across.

    From "less professional" (no offense) to people who actually try to organize the whole thing to impressive details (I think I saw that on smp5, even had a whole stage for giving the prizes away and allowing people to comment on their skin. When I saw that I immediately added approx. 5k to the price pot).

    Obvious issue: not too many people like these.

    Fishing contest anyone? I don't quite recall her name from mind (I'd have to look it up) but a shop keeper also wanted to do something more fun and organized a fishing competition. Twice.

    These tidbits are out there, but you need to look for them.

    Which is the other side of the medal: if we'd get showered with tons of events every week don't you think it would make the whole thing a lot less special?

    As to the forum...

    Everyone is welcomed to post here. Random people perhaps, but as I recently noticed it's funny how many posts seem to be made by Hashhog, Olaf_C, Kephras and I'd like to think that I've also become part of that posting group. Just for reference: I've only been here since last December. As such: if you wanna join just start posting stuff :)

    My opinion really is: it's one thing to talk about it, but it's a better thing to do something about it ;)

    And there are also new ones coming out sporadically. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they're not there. I mean... #simonwillfixit.


    Naah, isolated but still consisting of groups. I'd say welcome to evolution here. You make it sound as if those wild bases are run by an individual or such, but that's hardly the case. There are dozens of groups out there, and well. Isn't it kinda obvious that some groups stick to themselves? I mean; an officially established base has to be pretty far apart from other bases, which makes it kinda hard to cooperate on that level.

    And once again I also can't help wonder: just because you don't see these communities doesn't mean they're not there. Not everyone advertises everything they're doing but keep to themselves a bit. Yet here's the part which I think you ignore here: just because they keep to themselves (outside public channels) doesn't mean they're not there nor that they wouldn't allow other players to team up.

    Being quite active myself I honestly cannot find myself in anything you're saying.

    My stance on the whole thing: There are players to keep to themselves, there are players who are in between (that would be me) and there are players who actually need others around to have fun because they get bored on their own.

    Here's the thing which I've noticed: when the last category of players tend to get bored they often reflect that on their surroundings. So its the server which became boring, or the other server, or the community. Yet while doing so they also ignore the fact that there are plenty, dozens, of players out there who are having fun.

    I've been on since last December and I'm still having the greatest time of my life. For me EMC is both a major outlet to get away from the day to day issues as well as one awesome community which has lots of players I actually start to call friends.

    But as always with these things: it's as good or as bad as you make it.

    As always: just my 2 cents.

    Now, don't get me the wrong way here (which is why I used spoilers, but I am going to vent right now. DO NOT pick this up as a personal attack, because this isn't aimed specifically at you. But I've seen comments like yours many times now and well....

    What is it with veterans who go away for reasons like... May I assume because they got bored with the whole thing or found other activities?

    And then they come back and more or less start complaining how "everything changed" and "its no fun anymore".

    Instead of reflecting on the past try open your mind and reflect on the here and now. Sometimes you'll find fun activities by participating in less fun activities. Like I said: I don't like skin competitions, but I've met some really nice players by participating or just spectating them and participating in the conversations and the event / fun.

    Things like these aren't a one way street.

    Sure, you'll reach a point where this isn't fun anymore. Nothing stopping you from organizing something else.

    But that's the thing: there's a major difference between talking & actually doing :p

    So sometimes I can't help wonder...

    607 and Gawadrolt like this.
  8. Yet it did. Our outpost on smp4 (semi-private) actually had one which the outpost leader started to turn into a guardian farm. I know it was partly because of a bug, but they were out there. In the Frontier.

    /chat status off.

    It helps you concentrate on the talk and less on the mess around it. Although I also have to admit that it's also a source for smaller mistakes: talking to someone who already decided to leave for example. But to me it's thecommand to help you focus on what matters. I don't care if people part/join/get muted, etc. I care for those who I'm talking to.

    And most people I'm around will happily tell you "Ok, I'm afk" or "ok, I'm off". Easy :)

    Hmm, I'm actually getting in. Going to finally start working more on a (stalled) project. Although I do see where you're coming from (I also spent (sporadic) plenty of time on smp5, it's my 2nd favored server) but... I dunno. I've had some very good conversations when I was working on that redstone circuit. I also had some good convo's when I was messing and trying to get my residence relocated because of an annoying neighbor (which, in the end, turned out to be a simple misunderstanding combined with a less active player).

    I'm with Gawadrolt here tbh. I go on other smp's and just either start talking or start participating (when I feel like of course) and... I'm still having fun, and I cannot help wonder.. In many cases you can make the chat whatever you want it to be.

    For starters by trying to participate in convo's which may not interest you but are fun to others.

    Just my 2 cents obviously...

    I'm going to be blunt: who cares?

    Just because a mall is popular doesn't mean you won't get customers. If you don't put effort into it then obviously nothing is going to happen.

    On SMP2 we got some big malls as well. I can come up with: Jennypoo (love that build), 3800, AlexChance (build in progress), and some ... Junya6! Also a big one.

    My attic sale still manages to attract customers and I even get a small income from that as well.

    Because some people actually prefer the occasional changes happening in my store, the billboard with fun stuff (sometimes), the goodie bag which is usually filled with free stuff and the varying items.

    Sure, I also had my slow days. But just because there's a mega mall doesn't mean you can't have your store.

    Its one thing to have a store, its another to be active.

    "Anyone sell anvils?". I ignore this or try to help 'm out by pointing them elsewhere. And all of a sudden... So I start selling anvils and pointing people to my sale. Recently I discovered that some malls also sell these, and the prices are a bit different.

    Yet I got some very good sales in the past month too.

    And just so we're clear: I ignore my shop most of the time, and only in the weekends bring myself to "Meh, need to restock" :p

    It's doable, honest.

    BUT, in all fairness: do keep in mind that I keep fun and a small profit in mind. I don't go out of my ways to try and make hundreds of rupees because... I don't really care for that (though I am going to try and make enough rupees to buy myself a voucher in-game sometime. Purely for the sport).

    But I still make a profit.

    As to chat... I used to dislike smp2 chat as well, me and Elfin, and the first thing we said when we got to Utopia was "wow, less drama". In the mean time I started becoming more active in smp2 town chat (from time to time anyway) and although there's still plenty of drama and sometimes less interesting things (interesting for me) going on I do like to say that stuff also changed over time. I come on, get greeted and usually have some good talks with my friends there.

    That's quite a change from "lets discover Utopia" and "less chat drama".

    Couldn't have said it better myself. And I have proof because I didn't :)

    Actually, there shouldn't be IMO. IMO the problem is that a lot of "old guys" approach newbies with a wee bit of disdain. "RTFM n00b!". Now, thankfully not in that direct wording but I am convinced that it is the main drive for ignoring newbies when they have simple questions.

    Sure, the stuff is in the wiki. And I'd like to say that I think the wiki is greatly improving over time, even (trying to) making things even more easily understood for the new players.

    But there are always players who need to see this in action. Who have issues trying to comprehend stuff written out. And sometimes who are a bit afraid of doing something wrong so they ask first. And get ignored. Hmmm....

    Which is one of the reasons I often try to help out. Don't get me wrong: I also have my days when I don't feel like it and just ignore the things around me. But stilll..

    Oh well, my 2 cents.

    2 + 2 = 4 so now I'm rich :)
  9. I'm in the same boat as you, Legit...

    I was around when the community was so amazing years ago and have been here since then, believe it or not due to certain circumstances.. I completely agree with such a change in the community.. maybe it's time to bring back the EMCake_Party?
    SoulPunisher and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. The more posts I see on here the more convinced I am that emc really used to be horrible and its just so much more amazing now that some people just cant handle it. ^.^
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. not all of em quit, i still talk to most of em even if its to grumble
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  12. I definitely don't think that's the case. EMC has been a good place since I joined, and probably before too. It's just that it has changed a lot, from great to a different great.
  13. I've been playing here since okt 2014. met some great people here and thats why i have stayed. Now last April i became a mod and i do have had players that seem to be a little scared or hesitant to talk to me because im a mod. You shouldn't. I love talking to everyone and most of the time im ready to chat to each and one of you :p, and i pretty sure every other mod feels the same way. We are still players like you. I love to help out if i can. Yes it can look like mods only are on to enforce the rules but that isn't the case. So if you see me on and want to chat. feel free to send me a pm. I can quite fun. atleast i think so :p and do come over to smp6, we have a lovely community there fit for newbies and veterans alike.
    607 likes this.
  14. I find it great that we are having a civil, honest thread instead of arguing or yelling or other things that would make the thread lock.. It really adds to the discussion. :)
  15. I can definitely relate to you in terms of the community thing. I lived on SMP3 for much of my time on EMC - from the day I joined up until August last year. When I joined, there was shops everywhere, people were constantly online, moderators were online and they acted and were treated like normal players and pretty much everyone was willing to help me with stuff. I lost internet connection for about a month in March 2012, came back in April, and SMP3 was pretty much dead.

    A lot of my friends had left or reduced their activity, so I went to the forums (which I began to spend more time in and my activity in-game slowed down) and found a few communities in the wild to join (one was even hosted by Legit himself :p). Most of these outposts I joined crashed and burned, and the ones that survived their first two months died out slowly. Eventually, I was only really active in the LLO. A lot of people left that, fewer people joined, and the outpost got destroyed by creepers spawning in lit-up areas and griefers. I hadn't touched the town in ages, so I went back to SMP3, and it was... terrible. Went over to SMP1, liked it there for a bit, and then more people left.

    June 2013 came about, and I was banned alongside the last friend I had on EMC (whom I met a day after I joined). I appealed my ban that September, he did not. There were more people on EMC, and it was gr8. A lot of those people left at the time a few staff members were demoted in early 2014, more of them left in mid-2014, and now they visit occasionally.

    A lot of the people on EMC (the forums, at least - I rarely log in, because when most of the people I want to interact with are online, its like, 2AM for me. Any other time there's annoying little kids online and I'd rather not suffer through their chat messages after a long day of school. Plus, I get paid for answering children who can barely speak English for a server host, so I don't want to experience my 'workplace' in a place I go to to find fun :p) I either like, but am not friends with - or I dislike them, and I have made this a well-known fact with people I have on Skype with other EMC members who I share a dislike of a few people with :p

    I have debated leaving EMC completely multiple times this year, and I found the opportunity to take a break while I was moving house about two months ago. It made me realize that the forums aren't my main addiction anymore, and I could probably leave EMC if I really wanted to... which I'm considering doing. This place doesn't feel like it did when I joined, which I can understand, but when you stick around on EMC for as long as me and a few others have (who share my feelings, and a few have already left), you feel like its strayed too far from what brought you to it 3+ years ago.

    PenguinDJ and boozle628 like this.
  16. Every smp has a little something for everyone and the different smps attract different people. Smp6 is full of a very active and chatting supporter community. They chat in @s more often then not. And they are always there to help the new players and to complain about people not using @r for pvp. I just started a new mall on smp3. It's generally very quiet but I always say hi when I log in and chat with whoever is chatting. Smp7 and smp8 are um acquired tastes. They both have unique players who love those players.

    I am a player first and foremost. I don't know the answers to everything and I still ask for help. I hop a lot of servers looking to buy and sell things. If you see me say hi send me a pm talk in town. If I'm on official business I will ask for a few mins and I'll get back to you. I bought minecraft because I read about EMC. I'm here to stay.
  17. This picture was taken last year, now it just seems dead, I lost all my older photos from 2 years ago, the reasoning behind this is the fact that i lost my old computer. This is the oldest picture on this computer.

  18. ahh well there are players still playing from that pic :p me and baradar67, dragonhawk,

    the community evolves with people leaving and new people coming in. it is up to the ones still playing to incorporate the new players into our community :)
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  19. I think the split between new and old users follows the idea of "Eternal September/Summer." EMC has become a more mainstream server meaning that more and more new users join the server before the group before them becomes assimilated. It's becoming harder and harder for older users to help make the new ones feel at home because of the endless wave of new users. This may be causing a lot of older users to simply group together and hide away, leaving the vast ocean of newbies to themselves.
    mba2012, 607, ShalomOut and 1 other person like this.
  20. well the thing is i do understand that. older players do retreat and group together because they know eachother. BUT if they do that then the new players dont learn or get to know older players and it will be a two tier community.