February 2015: Show Your Love!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 7, 2015.

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  1. It would never even let me get that far so I just put a link in. I've actually done it before and am unsure what the problem was with time. jkjkjk182, thanks so much for the help though. It is always appreciated.. and see! this is what I mean about the helping hand being thrown out there for ya to grab hold of. =D Yep! I'm stayin' love this place
    jkjkjk182 likes this.

  2. Why do I love her? I can't explain in words... But I'll do my best.
    She is and will always be my true love, nno matter if all the odds are against us, or any crysis affects us, I will ALWAYS love her with my heart and soul.
    A wise man a long time ago said "Vision is the art of seeing things invisible". And THAT is what makes me love her. Because we can see on each other, something that no one else can. Something that is unexplainable. Something that I can call Love.

    Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! And most important, I hope you all have a nice time with your true loved ones!
  3. I love when my group gets stuck in a hole and can't dig back out :) 2015-02-12_21.37.14.png
  4. I also love when that happens XD. Isn't awesome when no one can dig or move? Ah... Good Times Digging with my friends...
    fireflower8063 likes this.
  5. I love when my cat steals my food :D 2015-02-12_21.45.11.png
  6. I have never thought of that before but I can figure it out what server do you live on?
  7. Just testing your mastermindedness (totes word) ;)
    607 and brizee24 like this.
  8. This needs a caption... allow me to make a suggestion.
    SEPTHEKID and AnonReturns like this.
  9. Oh ok but if you need it I can still help you.
  10. One of Us! One of Us! Gooble Gobble!
  11. WAIT! :eek: I just realized this was actually a pic i could see!!! ha.. haa.. hooow diiiid you doo..? O_O *I bowz down. *
    jkjkjk182 and brizee24 like this.

  12. I love my Hoard!! irl, my OCD, thankfully, overrides any hoarding tendencies. But here on EMC I can hoard to my hearts content, knowing irl that it's all contained in my itty bitty hard drive. Now that's peace of mind.
  13. I have so many things I love in EMC but here is the one!


    they are my friends playing minecraft with me all the time, having a sharing resident, do the adventure and making outpost. We met thru Show24's post online saying "looking for friends to play minecraft together'
    we are so different in personalities and we all think if we didn't have minecraft, we never had chance to be a friend because we don't have anything common except minecraft. I brought them all to EMC and I love how they enjoy being EMC XD

    Happy Valentine's Day!
  14. 2015-02-12_22.06.46.png I love my wee little chicken :p

  15. A while back I dedicated a residence to my friends whom have shaped who I am here on EMC today. Each head has a description of what I can say about that person if I was to tell them what I think of them and basically how greatful I am to have them in my life. Below the residence is also random items they have given me as jokes, fun times, and friendship. Its nothing big but I cherish the idea and residence itself for what it stands for. You can come check it out at 17282 on Smp8. Please no hitting the Cats or Kittens. <3
  16. Holy Jesus on a Pogo Stick! O___o
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  17. Awww... That was cute :3
    Palmsugar and crystaldragon13 like this.
  18. Hey I know that Chicken! It's Chickeneer's Brother! :confused:
    *Dramatic Song on the Background*
  19. 2015-02-13_09.45.19.png 2015-02-13_09.46.40.png 2015-02-13_09.47.14.png

    My love is my castle on EMC. Why? It's beautiful, fun to be in, and I built it myself.
    It is glorious. It is orange. It is my love.
    krysyyjane9191 and minanela3 like this.
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