February 2015: Show Your Love!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 7, 2015.

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  1. Ssshhhh, I'm Red now, don't blow my super-secret cover.

    Wait, I thought that said Black. Did I blow my own cover?
    Seffychan and SEPTHEKID like this.
  2. I Love my farms because they do a lot for the server and not many people think twice about it so i'm here to say Farms are the BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. valentine's.jpg

    As clearly demonstrated by this photo, I am in love with giant redstone machines.
  4. The server performance + you = </3
  5. Yeah, sorry guys. :\
    You can't help who what you love.
  6. I love Dokucraft (a resourcepack) because it makes my game look cool. I also love redstone, especially giant redstone things. So, Dokucraft and redstone together...

    I also like replying to people before they posted.
    (This is pascal's post below)
  7. I love everybody on The Empire. PARTY =D

    YES YES that's right, blood & I have 5 dragon eggs =P
    Bhret, minanela3, cadgamer101 and 5 others like this.
  8. I love me, myself, and I. And of coarse the marvelous Rainbowpony1000 for helping me take the picture! :D

    I also love my smp1 town clothes, they are just fabulous

  9. I love potatoes because they have the most hunger for how easy to get them (especially when you have auto farms)

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  10. i love frogs :p
    like the green beautiful tree frogs :p
  11. /mail send defne_the_boss promos plz
  12. 2015-02-13_17.58.07.png I love emc because of the people in the community and staff!!!!
  13. cole the picture has to be on emc not on pixlemon......
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  14. I waited till the last min cause i couldnt decide what i loved the most. Then it came to me. I play for the PLayers and I play for the people i speak to every day. Thanks EMC

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  15. I love my donkey Sal, She was the first mount I had on the empire and will always have a special place in my heart.
  16. Me and my sister, claire. (It was really hard to get a pic of me and her, she tried resbanning me but I finally caught up to her at 12196)
  17. I love my friends.png I Love My Friends.
    Ever since I joined I made friends. Everyone I posted plus, Greenfeline91, Mastercard101, Panthercourage, Ultra_Miner_V and batmanlovesyou, are the people who have been there, spoken to me for hours, helped me out when I first started playing and continue to inspire the best. Every day I look forward to talking to people and I always find myself talking to them, helping them out, or just chilling. I love the entire server, but most of all I love my friends. I love how supportive they are, how honest they are with their opinions, I adore how helpful they are to not just me, but as a whole I love being their friend.
  18. I love my mall at 203, I love hanging out with Rainbowpony1000 and my Mumble peeps. #BIGShoutoutToMyMumblePeeps. Oh and our choice of apparel is better than most people's
  19. What do I love?

    I love fireworks! I first start loving them when a friend of mine, had a firework business. I unwillingly paid 30r for a special firework (At that time I didn't know they were infinite). I decided to use this special thing in front of a couple friends. I used it, and it didn't disappear? I was confused, I thought there must of been a bug. I asked someone and they told me they are infinite on EMC. And that started my firework craze :D I loved fireworks so much that I even started listening to Katy Perry's "Firework" whilst playing EMC :3. These fireworks promised a cracker of an evening and have been a blast.
    minanela3, SEPTHEKID, 607 and 2 others like this.
  20. i love potions i have memorized every potion recipe in minecraft they have helped me so much on EMC

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    minanela3 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
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