February 2015: Show Your Love!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 7, 2015.

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  1. This is me and my lovely voters fishing rod! I lub it.
    minanela3 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  2. I love that I play this awesome game on EMC with daughter AinsleyBear!

    I love how long this server has been up, and how much it has updated. I know it may sound like I'm sucking up and all, but seriously, this server gave me major nostalgia when I joined again since two and half or so years. I recently relearned the game and am starting up my plot again. This server and the people I met honestly shaped me into the person I am today. :3
    crystaldragon13, 607 and southpark347 like this.
  4. 2015-02-09_20.56.39a.jpg

    I love Alain1087 for as many reasons as there are stars in the sky... one of which is introducing me to EMC.
  5. I love sneaking up behind afk players on EMC and taking selfies. Aye carumba!

  6. <3 happy v-day
  7. I love doing that too! Haha image.jpg

  8. There it be, my love. My pet potato, and fellow pirate, Bilge rat Bob. Though it's not really Bob that I love as much as minecraft and the Empire here for allowing a place of creativity and destruction, a place that someone like me with my social issues can feel comfortable and part of a community without the apprehension that I feel in the "real world". Happy Valentines day to my lovely potato and happy singles awareness day for those who celebrate it.
  9. this is me and

    Attached Files:

    minanela3 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  10. i love lava because everytime i find something of value i seem to run to it with fire in my heart ... and body afterwards

    Attached Files:

  11. i love crystaldragon13 cuz she is always so nice and helpful. she always has such a positive attitude that never fails to bring you up <3

  12. 2015-02-02_19.29.40.png standing next to the love of my life with one of our many pet dogs in the basement/storage of our house~
    he's one of the people that got me into minecraft and guided me through a bunch of things. also, my boyfriend irl ♥
  13. marriage plug in for valentines day only, good idea or bad?

  14. I love Nether Quartz because it gives me a reason to play, it's fun to mine and explore the nether, it gives a ton of XP, and it's very profitable!
    EDIT: A better screenshot that I took at least 7 months ago.

  15. My Storage. With hard work, comes very rewarding build possibilities and something to be proud of.
    Made of Quartz and Cyan Stain Clay <3 & and its all underground

  16. I love my hoppers because I remember the life of farming before them...and it sucked.
  17. The moon and stars at night above my residence, especially through my bedroom skylight~ :3
    minanela3 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  18. Selfie with my dog because why not? He's a good boy too!

  19. Playing on EMC with my son and all my friends on smp4 and mumble chat, because without any of them there would be no fun building, exploring, mining or just plain hanging out!
  20. Me and My EnderBae taking a stroll in the wastelands on Empire (My favorite flowers in hand)
    I love Endermen because they get so mad when you look at them, then they just look hilarious <3
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