What grinds your gears in multiplayer Minecraft?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jkjkjk182, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. Offended people.

    That's quite a mouth full so let me elaborate...

    Oh yeah, I can relate to most of the previous comments and some of that stuff also can get to me. That is; to a certain degree. Too many people (in my personal, lonely, opinion) seem to think that what they believe is good for the everyone (no pun / mishap here).

    Someone bothers them (which could be legit; no comments here) so those others should be removed asap. When that doesn't happen quickly enough then lets start a complain tour. In public channels obviously.


    Someone just build a shop and is quite proud of it. Starts advertising. Granted: a little too much for comfort. So lets start a barrage of why that bothers you and what the heck those people were thinking... Who cares about explaining why it might not be such a good idea?


    Someone really doesn't like someone else; so lets share this with the entire server...


    Problem being: most people don't even want to bother trying to put themselves into the place of others. Instead they rely on assumptions. The assumption that the other party was out for mischief.

    But in a community the size of the empire; is it really that much unlikely that the other person simply didn't know better?

    Please note that I'm not saying that there aren't any problems at all, nor am I propagating the "turn the other cheek" approach. But I do think that many people don't bother to look beyond the obvious.
  2. - I cant hate bad grammar becouse my grammar isnt too good :D ( People on smp4 know it )
    - New players that keep asking stuff but dont do anything with your answer... :-(
    - New players that spam 'Buy my horses' every two minuts, and dont use /c e When you tell them that that is the place to promo or sell stuf.
    - And the thing that makes me the most angry...
    We had thee new players that keep saying xxx after every sentence... :-|
    This is minecraft! Who would you say ' I sell wood xxx ' ' Thats Ok xxx'
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  3. When someone writes in Town Chat that they have a specific item for sale cheap.
    I go to their res looking for the chest, 5 minutes later I realize there is no chest! The seller wants to do a "hand to hand transaction" :confused: Alright how much for a stack I ask. - "I only have two pieces" :eek:

    EDIT, and btw dont hate to much on bad grammar/spelling. Not all of us is Native English Speaker..
  4. Most people don't hate bad grammar, but more the people who are obviously too lazy to try and use it. You can always tell someone who doesn't primarily speak English, and someone who is just lazy.
  5. I'll list below a few things I dislike when I play in multi-player.

    1.) It irritates me when an individual says he/she has good grammar (or he/she dislikes bad grammar), but says something, in that particular sentence, incorrectly.

    2.) I get agitated when someone goes onto a server, asks a question (how to craft/does any shop sell something?...etc), and then he/she switches servers or signs out 'right' when I'm about to hit [enter], after just taking the effort to type out a response... :/

    3.) It bugs me when someone says my items are priced too high, by saying "so and so sells it for this much"...yet I check out that shop owner, and he/she has been out of stock for ages... and i'm thinking to myself "You're not finding cheaper prices, because those shops are out of stock."
    mba2012, boozle628, tuqueque and 3 others like this.
  6. slash14459

    Everything you said is exactly what I'm thinking but also people who then call me a noob for not giving them money
    slash14459 likes this.
  7. People who suck up to mods (yeah, they should be respected, but not in the way that you compliment everything they do etc.) and people who log in purely to advertise. I also hate it when people ask for help, and when I ask them to check the wiki and even link them to a specific page they continue to ask for it (when asked with "did you go to the link I sent you?", or something along those lines, they reply with something like "wh@t l1nk l0l?").
    mba2012, ShelLuser, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  8. Impossible parkours... lelelel
    mba2012, jkjkjk182 and sambish20 like this.
  9. Not being able to join because the server is full...
    Petero555, mba2012, JoxBax and 6 others like this.
  10. I was gonna make a post like this actually but someone beat me to it. lel

    • People Who Type Like This (had to get this out of the way :p)
    • constant logouts and relogs from the same person (happened not too long ago in smp8's tutorial and the person who did it was banned for 10 minutes by clogging the login session)
    • constant begging in chat ("can someone please give me 1000 ruppies or i will spam until it happens" - this actually happened btw; I still have the screenshot of this and the person who said this was right in front of a mod when he did so - "No you will not" SHOTS FIRED)
    • people who refuse to look at a link to anywhere in the EMC Wiki you sent them
    • people who harass you via private message about where you are and what you're doing at all times while they're on (I understand if you're a moderator because that's your job but some people just don't like being bothered - especially if you're hanging out with other people. Bonus points if it's more than one person PM-ing you at once; I can't even count on my fingers and toes how many times I've sent a "/reply" to the wrong person because of it. It's really tedious)
    • Playing the guilt card and spamming you with "): ): ): ): ):" if you don't do what's wanted from them or don't give them what they want
    And finally, my biggest pet peeve:
    People who join Empire Minecraft less than an hour after buying Minecraft itself and who don't know how to do anything on here or Minecraft in its entirety.

    I mean, think about it:

    You don't even know the basics of Minecraft yet, you don't know what griefing is (and thus don't know that it's wrong), you don't know how to respect other players (first time on ANY multiplayer server and you chose EMC), and you don't know how to craft something as simple as Wooden Planks, yet you want to hop right into a Minecraft server and immediately begin playing multiplayer. What's worse? These same people have never been on a server with CURRENCY before. So they go around spending all their money in the Empire Shop on random items like diamonds, iron armor and Arceus KNOWS what, then they're broke and begin begging for money while receiving only 100r a day because they don't know how to make a player shop, refuse to vote for EMC, and -- as stated before -- don't know how to craft anything (even though everyone is given a legitimate starter kit). (Problem is, I've seen this happen a lot as-of-late, especially in smp8 -- and smp6 recently, where I was unluckily paired with someone who just played for their first time in PvP and lost by a landslide when teamed with him... and they had me bet, too. :oops:)

    However, what I DON'T have a problem with? This:

    I know a few people who do this (myself among them; I do it with my Exp Zombie Grinder and my mini base in the Frontier now). And I know why.
    They don't wanna get griefed - that's all there is to it. (And people WILL grief farms; I know a couple of farms that were griefed in smp3, both intentionally and unintentionally, and I feel bad for MrSocks75 because of it since he has to deal with most of the griefings there... :eek:)

    To elaborate further: I once had a tavern (which doubled as a base) in smp8's Main Frontier. Sadly, it wasn't 5k+ blocks away from the main outpost like the base I have now: it was more like a little less than 500. I had 2 mini crop farms, 3 brewing stands, hot sauna (completely lit and with burning Netherrack underneath), a chicken cooker, chicken egg auto-farm and collector, everything. Needless to say, it was griefed countless times and, as a mod stated once before, "had quite a lot of history..." The problem was it was too close to spawn, and a lot of the "newcomers" I mentioned at the beginning were only part of the griefing. Later, trolls and natural griefers who "did it for the lulz" pitched in as well, and at that point I had it with my tavern when someone attempted to put something back the way it was, but did so the wrong way: basically adding a Glass Pane window where there was supposed to be a Dark Oak Plank wall (where I had my "pinball table" up against). Needless to say, I left my tavern to rot and made a new base not at Main Frontier, and at least 5k blocks out overseas.

    So the point of this story is: they're not being selfish, greedy, rude, and childish. They're protecting themselves from the people who are like that. Chances are, your farm is gonna get griefed constantly if any of the following are true, and the more of these that apply, then the bigger the chances:
    • you have a public access farm in the Frontier (or even the Wastelands for that matter)
    • said farm is not very far from spawn
    • you constantly tell people about it in chat or mention it quite a lot
      • your friends who know about your farm bring along friends of theirs that you don't know
        • those "unknown friends" bring other friends who may very well be griefers
    • it's too close to other bases already built, or other people make an attempt to build their bases uncomfortably close to yours (less than 100 blocks; in major cases, less than 5 blocks, the latter of which is what "happened" around my tavern before I gave up on it)
    These 2 points, however, I do NOT condone, and I know someone who does this:
    The person who did these was banned for a while for
    1. inciting drama in chat
    2. scamming out other players, and
    3. stealing items from others
    but somehow he recently came back and was unbanned, but with a vengance
    I have my own beef with said person; message me and I'll give you my story and why I probably should've reported him before someone else did...

    Anyway, that's my two "Ruppes" on the subject. (Typo intended.)
    Also, I agree with the majority of people here, if that counts.
  11. Just gonna tack a couple of things onto my last post:

    Or when selling something for a 1r difference
    (e.g. someone complained in public town chat to me that 4r is too much for an Iron Ingot and they complained that it wasn't 3r. If you're so hellbent on trying to argue a difference of a 1r price then you really need to step back and think about LIFE for a second. Eventually, I gave in and now reduced the price of my Iron Ingots to 2r a piece; I may change it back but idk)

    THIS. Thisthisthisthisthis. e_e

    It's like, "Why bother asking if you're just gonna disconnect anyway?"

    I see this happen more often than just sometimes, and it happens when I try to say something as well.

    impatient noobs emc.png


    ...KILL IT
    boozle628 likes this.
  12. Following the rules doesn't always go well for everyone, especially from person to person. I find that most of the social troubles I encounter are from schools and the Internet. Why does all of these problems happen? There are a variety of reasons, such as the want for fun, technology and disorders.

    Optimistic emotions and happiness have been highly valued over human history for a better quality of life. A common way of causing a smile or other signs of pleasure has been through fun. People of all times, in the past and now, probably had/have a 'want' to enjoy their life. Some may have called it a 'need', as in for survival, but it's really not. Fun is something we can't get all the time and our lives won't always be bad when don't get entertained. Out of all phases of our lives, I think fun is believed to be needed most during childhood, and the demand has been getting worse overtime.

    In the Information Age that we live in today, there's is a lot of technology between everyone: video game consoles, cell phones, personal computers, televisions, etc. All of this technology has been said: "It will make your life easier." This has been a common theme for all technological advancements we humans have made. But, "Too much technology can cause problems"; this was a theme science fiction story writer Ray Bradbury showed through his stories. They illustrate the social problems from being high-tech and emphasizes the scientific believe that the ever-advancing technology will make the current problems even worse. Although, I think we can do something about the present issues.

    Education has a powerful effect on us. It grant us new knowledge for our use to benefit ourselves and others, and I think it's a shame that a lot of kids and teenagers don't take learning, especially if it doesn't fit their interests, as important to their lives. Some of these viewpoint and decisions are controllable, but there are people who don't have the same self-control.

    Everyone is different from each other. These differences can be either helpful or harmful, and some are difficult and cannot be changed. These challenging irregular people may have one or more disorders. Most disorders are determined at birth while others can occur overtime. They bring some form of problem for the person. Many of these disorders can't be dealt with by the affected individual alone. But for those who have any disorders, they should be getting help from others, like everyone else, but for particular treatment.

    I was born autistic and didn't speak until I was about 3 years old. By the time I was in elementary school, I was diagnosed with Aspergers, a sub-category of autism. I've had many times where I couldn't communicate effectively, but overtime me and the people apart of my life have worked to help me.

    The want for fun, technology and disorders have all been ironic for their impacts. We all have wanted fun at some point in our lives, but it doesn't always go our way. It's just something of us to accept. Technology had been changing society in attempts to benefit our lives. Yes, it has made lives easier, but it has also caused global problems, such as obesity and inept people. Disorders may sound like they limit one's success, but they really alter the challenges those affected will face. If we want to help make society better, we need to act upon it. If we don't, the problems will stay the way they are.

    * So, remember that about 10% of life is what happens; 90% is how YOU act upon it. * :)
    bluebiscuit2007 likes this.
  13. Wrong thread? :confused:
  14. When people cuss out other people, I mean its just a game lol. No need for that
    jkjkjk182 and Deadmaster98 like this.
  15. Meanwhile, on smp1...
    QwertsAnnoyer11 has joined the game, last seen 1 second ago
    com chek out mah shop @ 1029438092 i sell dimonds 4 200r
    QwertsAnnoyer11 has left the game
    • Like others have mentioned, the whole "login, spam an advert, leave, repeat" scenario.
    • "How do I do/make _______" x4 after you've explained it. I used to just go "How do you craft sand?" and they would stop, I guess having to think about it.
    • When someone logs into a server where everyone is busy or out in the wild/wasteland, they ask a question and get mad nobody responds because the only people in town were multitasking. (Supporters getting Town chat out in the wild sort of fixes this)
    • "I STOLE IT FROM YOU AND YOU'RE NOT GETTING IT BACK UNTIL YOU RETURN WHAT YOU STOLE FROM ME!!!!!!" and the "theft" took place months/years ago -_-
    • When people make fun of others, especially if their English is broken because it's not their first language.
    • "I didn't do _______, it was my brother, please don't ban me!"
    • When people shout LAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGG! when the server lags.
    These others might be a just general online thing, but I've seen it here and on Facebook:
    • "sorry 4 ur lost" when someone/something dies.
    • People who switch "idea" and "Ideal" (My aunt even does this while talking to people in real life and it's like nails on a chalk board to me.)
    • That whole "xxx" after typing stuff. I always think "Why do you have to kiss people after everything?" (X's are kisses, O's are hugs)
    I'll probably come up with more later.
    princebee, jkjkjk182 and sonicol1 like this.
  16. everything that's been mentioned so far can be considered a "ditto" from me
    jkjkjk182 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  17. Sir, I agree with you about the xxx
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  18. I second this.

    Not to say that I'm fluent in other foreign languages; but I've had numerous foreign exchange student friends in high school and college from Germany and various Asian nations (they may not be perfect, but I know that they at least try).

    What grinds me is when its someone who isn't trying hard enough to state what they mean and are clearly indifferent to effort.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  19. Sorry if the post is confusing you. The essay addressed the ironic results from three present occurrences in society, without any examples to help readers relate to it. I don't always like to talk about video games in posts like my most recent one. I want to try to open people's minds to the world, rather than to a single video game which may sound strange since this thread is about a video game community.
    The problems I discussed through the essay apply to the entire world, in addition to the Minecraft community to some extent.