[Suggestion] Upgrade and Add More Perks for Subscribers

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by MrBigBux, May 4, 2014.


Should subscriber perks be updraded and more added?

Yes 16 vote(s) 42.1%
No 22 vote(s) 57.9%
  1. overall I think you have a good point and we do need better upgraded perks for donating. like the April specialise deal I think they should make this cheaper for the people who donate. so if you become a diamond member for the month you can then buy more rupees on a 30 - 35% discount which would be nice and gold can be like 20 - 25% discount and iron 10 - 15% discount this will the the much better for the people who are looking for the rupee perk as they will need them. and then for the residences I like the whole idea of having for reses for me I find the 4 reses is enough some people might disagree but I think this is a nice thing. with the flying perk that is just a fun thing for us to do, + the no falling damage that's nice. res msg that's nice but i think the hole empire should be aloud to do that, not to donate. I think the perks so far are good but there can be room for improvement. my opinion. thanks
    KJHaddrell01 and EpicMooooCow like this.
  2. i would have to disagree with a previous message that was said. I along with others im sure could care less about the perks we get for donating it is just nice to have them for what we pay. whenever i get the chance i will be donating just because i fully support this server and want it to keep going forever. im not saying this because i can, this is what i really believe.
    Kephras and 607 like this.
  3. Sorry, I just needed to say this.
    When I read this I was going to like it, but then I read this.

    I don't think something like this is necessary. We know what liking something means, okay.

    As for the thread: Thanks, Kephras, post 739565 was very good :) It's nice that when you're too tired to say something, others will say exactly what you mean ;)
    Kephras and mba2012 like this.
  4. Alright so, I think everyone isn't fully comprehending what I am trying to propose. So I will reword it and try again below...

    I am going to be going more in depth about why I said the things I said and I hope to clear a lot of this stuff up. I feel attacked and I fear I may have attacked others. So I apologize to anyone I upset and I hope what I say below makes everyone feel at ease.

    1.) I did say that the whole reason for subscribing was for the bonuses. Here is what I really meant...
    I meant that when someone goes to support the Empire there is a section where they can do just that. They can donate to the Empire and get a decent amount of rupees in return. However, the second option is subscriptions. If they want to continually pay money to the Empire, that is the option for them. With that said, people will also subscribe for the perks and bonuses as I have said. People such as myself want to donate to the Empire and make it run, but I don't just want to throw money at it. I am a business man and I look to get things out of what I put into. I realize that paying money gets me cool events and new features, but I want things that are re-occurring. Something I get consistently on a daily basis that I can use daily. I am sure others feel the same way due to the poll at the top of the page. People subscribe to donate to the Empire, I get that. However, others do it for the bonuses and the donation. To say it is only one or the other is not true. There are some that do one, some do the other, and some do both. Some are content with what they get, others want more. My argument was to increase the other perks to balance the fact that some of the perks for subscribing eventually become obsolete. Such as when someone goes diamond and claims four residences. If they unsubscribe they keep those residences. It isn't taken from them because they unsubscribed. So that perk if they were to subscribe again becomes obsolete and useless to them unless they wanted to unclaim a residence and claim another.

    2.) I did say that promos are expensive and only supporters can afford more of them. That was wrong of me and I apologize for not making it clearer what I meant. What I meant was that promos are worth a lot of money and those that subscribe earn a ton more rupees than regular members and can therefore buy more of them. Voting and logging in only gets you so much rupees. Subscribing is the easiest way to make money, but it is certainly not the cheapest. Supporters get the advantage in this situation, which is why I said only subscribers can get more promos. I meant supporters get more with ease due to their increased income levels.

    3.)I agree, there are crazy people out there who may think it is worth $5 to blow something up. But think of it this way. Would a teenager/adult want to spend real money and take the time to support a server they know they are going to get banned from just to blow up something? If it were me, I would find a server where I don't have to pay anything and blow something up there. That is why I don't think some random person was going to come along and give money just to blow somethings up and spoil someone's day.

    4.)Alright, I definitly want to apologize for this one. I said that supporters are gods compared to non-subscribers and they are above them. I did not mean to make that sound so offensive and arrogant. What I meant was that when you log in as a diamond member, people treat you as a king. They think you are a "God" because you are rich, have perks that they dont, and they think you are actually rich in real life because you can afford diamond memberships. The reason I said that subscribers are "above" non-subscribers is because subscribers can afford real money to put towards a seemingly random server for a game. I meant that people with money for these things can afford to get such things and their subscription and added perks makes them have a higher status in the server and in that server's community. I did not mean that they are better people overall and non-subscribers are weak and poor peasants. Non-subscribers can do a lot of things subscribers can and everyone can be equals on the Empire, which is what makes the Empire such a great server.

    5.)When I said, "It is great that you can be happy giving $20 to the Empire and be completely content with it, but I am in it for the perks." What I really meant was I pay $20 for the perks and to support the Empire. I am not content with tossing money in the tip jar to see if anything good comes out of it. I love to know what I get out of things. I hate things that are random. To let you know what I am thinking let me put it this way. Would you continue to pay $20 to the server if you received no bonuses for doing so? Your name would not change color, no extra rupees, no vault pages, nothing. The perks help people enjoy subscribing and to keep people subscribed as long as possible. I don't personally believe everyone is the "good little angels from heaven" that just want to support the Empire. No, it is my belief that what everyone wants is to support the Empire and the perks made it an easy choice of how they want to subscribe and support the Empire. Like if they wanted lots of rupees and residences, they would go diamond.

    6.)Kephras, this one is for you specifically. Your logic is very faulty along the lines of this statement, "Really? Because I can get along just fine in EMC with a zero-rupee balance. In a single day, between voting and just logging in, I could have enough rupees for a locked chest in the wild, and mining is free. So is building. And a residence in town, for that matter. Rupees are a convenience, not a necessity. Go build yourself a frontier outpost and then tell us how they "make the world go round.""
    You are not getting along with a zero rupee balance. You start with zero and then earn your way back up the way you described it. Try getting along with only zero. Live with no rupees at all for a few months and see how well you can get along in EMC. I am sure you can eventually build up materials if you lived out in the wild for a VERY long time. So back to the point I am trying to make with the whole socialist thing. Everything cannot be equal. If everyone is rich, than no one is. That is what I meant. I did not say that non-subscribers cant make money. I meant that subscribers make more money and can make more money than non-subscribers can. Whether anyone admits it or not, subscribers make more rupees than any of us.

    7.)At the end of the day, if everyone is content with the way things are now...who am I to argue. I will not be among those that support the Empire with subscriptions, but at least everyone else is content. :)

    If anything was still unclear, please comment below and I will keep trying :)
  5. I am sure Aikar and the staff already have plans for improvements to the supportership system. Some of your ideas may fit in there, but most of them demote normal players to just about no one. You want more promos, rupees, vault pages etc.? Get an alt, lasts forever and is just a bit costlier.
  6. I comprehend it just fine. And I agree that perks could use changing. I simply find the entire basis of your proposal flawed, and disagree with your specific suggestions.

    Then why not simply state that outright, instead of couching everything in terms of rupee value? You centered your entire argument around the discrepancy between a promotional bonus to the amount of rupees you can obtain, versus an obviously smaller amount and "perks" that cannot be quantified in any useful fashion.
    Nevertheless, I can't fault you for feeling like you should get more "bang" for your Bux. I will say that the statements you've made completely miss and undermine the actual point of "Supporting," though.

    21 people have responded, on an empire of several thousand. The poll may as well not be there, for as little as it says.

    The only perks that can truly become "obsolete" are vault pages and stable slots. I will tentatively include residences, if you're the sort to claim, build, and never do anything more with them (or consider moving). The rest of the perks however, are always available to you. Whether you see value in them or not is a personal matter and EMC is not obligated to compensate you for perks you choose not to make use of.
    That being said, this discussion is kind of moot since we already know that supporterships and perks will move to a more segmented structure.

    You seem to be arguing both ways here. You say that supporters have an easier time obtaining promos because of the rupee bonus, then say that the benefits of supportership are insufficient.
    As it stands now, someone determined to accumulate wealth in rupees, promos, or other items of value, can manage to do so with or without being a supporter (or donating for straight rupees). From your other statements, it sounds like you'd prefer that not to be the case - that the difference between paying and free players should be wider and more difficult to overcome. (Again, this is putting aside the fact that Supporters also have perks which defy quantifiable value).
    I don't think it's any surprise then, that those without disposable income are adverse to your ideas.

    You are wrong. Plain and simple. There have been cases where diamond supporters have been banned for TNT griefing. The more accessible you make it, the more likely it is to happen. That is a fact, whether you choose to believe it or not. You can rationalize it any way you wish, but the people willing to do these kinds of things aren't subscribing to your brand of logic and your rationale means nothing.

    This, unfortunately, is true. Again I'll mention the Diamond I was gifted a short while back - many of the comments I got in the first week were to the effect of "wow, diamond now, gratz." It made me very uncomfortable, and I'm glad to be back to white-name. I prefer people respect me for what I have to say, not what color my name is.
    But that's a social problem. It could be fixed by making everyone's name the same color, I suppose, but some people do like the status symbol of it, and I won't begrudge them that (even if I disagree with it).

    Again: I respect those who help support (/pay for) the server I and so many others enjoy. Perks and extra rupees seem a fair reward for keeping EMC up and running. And, as above, it's true that Supporters tend to garner extra status from their name color. Suggesting that this is how it should be, however, is something I am going to take issue with. That is essentially saying that "I have money, therefor I am more important," and while that might be true in the real world, it is not true on EMC. White, Silver, Yellow, or Teal - doesn't matter what color your name is, all players are equal in the eyes of the Staff.

    You said exactly what you meant, then. No clarification was ever needed. The problem is not that you did not communicate yourself properly, it's that your statement misses the point. IE, most of the Diamond Supporters I know have already claimed four residences, have grinders better than Endertopia, and couldn't care less about the daily rupee bonus. They stay Diamond because they think EMC is worth $20/mo to keep the lights on. I guess by your definiton, they really are just "good little angels from heaven." Is it necessary to sarcastically belittle their altruism, particularly when many of your points here are already apologizing for something you've worded badly?

    My logic was fine, you're simply failing to grasp the point I was making. I included the bit about rupees simply because it's advisable to put a lock on a chest with your valuables, when living in the wild. It's not a requirement, just good sense. If you were content to use only an enderchest to store your diamonds and precious ores, you wouldn't even need that (though I recommend keeping a backup enderchest on your person, should that one get griefed or stolen).
    But the bottom line is, you don't need a single r to build yourself a residence or a kingdom, or a desert full of pixel art if that's your thing. The Empire is open to all, and rupees are a convenience, not a necessity.

    Except those who'd rather cash in $20 for rupees directly, of course. Sounds like that's what you'd prefer to be doing.

    I won't disagree that perks and supporterships could stand to be re-evaluated. But I wouldn't have you doing the evaluating.
    607, Kyzoy, kevdudeman and 5 others like this.
  7. What a lot of words! I like being supporter because i like the sexy name color and because the empire is a cool place. I just support because it's what i feel is right, EMC has given me countless hours of entertainment, so it only seems right that i can give a little back. Regardless of rupees or reses, ultimately you are supporting a place you love. With that being said, I do think a few new perks wouldn't hurt, I think that most people first buy supporter for the perks, but stay supporter because being a supporter is just a good thing to do.
    607, lndo7809 and RainbowChin like this.
  8. According to the suggestion -> diamond supporter means you can support for 5 months and get a mill for doing absolutely nothing than putting a small scratch into your paycheck.

    Most knew that when I was around, I had no problem earning money *fairly quickly. I wasn't the fastest, but for sure not the slowest. I, on average, made ~21,000r per day. That was all from farming, services, and that well-known rares dealio.

    That being said, I completely disagree with 7,000r per day being given out. It requires no actual gameplay what-so-ever and I think rupees should be earned in the first place instead of being paid for. The idea of supporter is to support the Empire and get perks while you're at it. Whether or not you enjoy the perks and feel like donating is totally up to you, but to many players it's 100% worth it. I'm against giving away - in my eyes - something that everyone else has to earn through a lot of gameplay for no effort put into it.

    I realize that real money is very helpful to the Empire, but let's not over-value it. If you find the perks convenient and helpful, you donate. If you don't find it at that perspective, you don't. If you just want to help the Empire, you can do that and still get them even if they may not necessarily benefit you. It's all optional, and I don't think we should be tossing out loads of perks just for money. Rankings are perfectly fine the way they are; as shown from the numbers of supporters there are that are happy with what they get in exchange for helping out :)

    Edit - In hindsight, I don't know why I just wrote that much to debate against one small idea. Ah well :p
    607, Pab10S, lndo7809 and 1 other person like this.
  9. Oh please. I was able to buy all of the 60k promos when they went on sale before I became a supporter for the first time. Making rupees by supportership is lazier, honestly. How long does it take to vote? It can net you quite a bit of rupees, and you honestly don't need that many rupees to survive. (*cough* the wastelands *cough*) azoundria, formerly of res 405 made lots rupees from his store without being a supporter. Unless you're really not willing to put in a little effort in a game that has mine and craft in the title, rupees are easy to come buy.

    Oh, you're so wrong on this. Have you heard of the Last Light Outpost? Yeah, well we've had many incidents where diamond supporters have paid to destroy this wild outpost. We had a swastika TNT'd on one of our projects. That member, after he was banned decided to come back on an alt and do more damage. That may just be one example, but we've had numerous others. People will go to great lengths, even if it involves money to destroy great things.

    Um…no they don't. Diamond members are just like non-supporters. Trust me, I've been a diamond and gold supporter before. People don't treat you any different. Maybe you were treated as a king, but most people won't treat supporters like royalty. And no, people do not find diamond supporters rich in real life. I see them more as people who are willing to part with their money for minecraft perks and are nice enough to spend that money so I can play for free :D
    You contradict yourself here. The everyone can be equal part simply will not work with your proposal. You're increasing the perks supporters get. That further polarizes the members because the supporters will have so much more while the non-supporters are still living the same life. Doesn't seem equal to me. Allowing the diamond supporters to fly on utopia already seems unequal to me. Your previous statement I just quoted said stuff about how diamond supporters are treated as kings. Hm. That doesn't sound equal. Can't really buy your argument if you can't keep your story straight.

    Fair enough. This point's valid, except for the fact there simply are already quite a bit of benefits. We don't exactly need to make supporters OP and non-supporters hopelessly flailing about trying to keep up with the supporters do we? After all, the non-supporters wouldn't exist if the only way to play on EMC well was being a supporter. EMC isn't like that.

    Ooh, this right here in red. I'm afraid that's very false. You can easily get materials by living in the wild. Over 70% of the items I have across all 10 EMC servers were from the wild, or from getting it myself in town, through growing trees or shearing wool, etc. The purpose of subscribing again, like everyone else has said, is not to make rupees. If you want to make lots of rupees quickly, donate using that rupee-money donation.

    Basically, you need to keep your story straight. Don't go around saying everyone can be equal when you're proposing a world in which supporters can simply sit back and wait for promos to roll around and sell them to non-supporters. Do a little research before making a few statements.
    -Pen F
  10. Guys, his idea is great. I stopped buying diamond vouchers(which are payed for with real money) because of the little perks. If I want XP at anytime I could just go to a skelly spawner. enderpearls are so dang cheap anyways like what 300r a dc? But still 1300 is somewhat helpful but I think is not enough. Now people saying I do it to support the empire. Your probaly the 5% seriously. Put it in perspective. Im not trying to be a jerk dont get me wrong here. I would not spend 20$ a month just to support something Id do it for the perks too but there isnt enough atm. I wouldnt contine paying 20 bucks a month for endertopa flying moving my residence around or a small lump sum of 1300 a day. The first month I had it I maxed out my vault what I wanted it to be. I dont use tnt its a mess on residence seriously. A supporter forum which noone uses or supporter auctions. Yea your name is blue but whatever! Id continue to buy diamond vouchers or even whith real life money I was thinking about it actually but changed my mind. If 20 dollars is going into it at least you can give them some in game perks like mrbigbux said. Itd be fair. Look at things from a logical prespective, you could take advantage of everything with diamond in one month from how it is and have perks from it when even your reguar.

    This would help the empire alot and encourage more people to go Iron/gold/diamond
    cyberazaz101 likes this.
  11. Youd spend 100 dollars just to get one mil pretty much.

  12. hmm i think im going to make a seperate suggestion thread and see if old purple butt likes any of em
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  13. I think I can move this to a new thread, any idea on the name?
  14. I am tired of all of this. I have tried and tried again to get people to understand...but every time I suggest something creative and something new, people will shoot it down or reasons I cannot fathom. If everyone is content with what they earn from subscribing that is great. I will not subscribe ever again until I feel the system is more balanced. My brother and all my other friends and family that play EMC with me (Which numbers like 10) agree with me 100% on this. That is why I posted this forum. I am 100% for supporting the Empire. EMC is my home and I play nothing else but EMC when it comes to Minecraft. I might seem like a jerk, and I apologize if I come across that way, but I have a strong personality and strong opinions. I like to take action against things I don't agree with. I love EMC for this reason. We have the forums where I can openly discuss things, but I lose faith in the EMC community sometimes when things like this consistantly happening to me. I am not saying this because everyone seems to have "defeated" me, I say this because I feel like EMC is not a big family, but a massive forum filled with "trolls." I tried to be constructive with my posts but it seems like every word that I type is criticized and it makes me want to quit EMC completely. I hope that everyone will look at this from my perspective and not your own selfish endeavors because EVERYONE failed to look at this from my perspective. To see this situation from my eyes. You only told me what YOU thought and did not take into account of why I might have said things that I said. To fully understand what I say, you must first look at every angle, think of why I said the things I said. I hope that in the future, when I post things I would like to see happen, that I dont get shut down immediately, and that the criticism is constructive and not attacking my personal beliefs. I am going to take a break from EMC, and when I return, I hope that I can find it as enjoyable as it once was...

    Please do. I feel like this topic should be opened to a broader audience since everyone feels so strongly about it. Call it something like, "Should Subscriber Perks Be Re-evaluated?" or something along those lines. Be creative and I will stay in touch if anyone needs me, but I need a rest from EMC for a while...
    wkramer79 likes this.
  15. So many walls of text...
    Anyways, Aikar already has plans in place for the supporter system. He will keep the "legacy supporter packages" but then allow you to donate for exactly what you want. I think the current perks are decent enough and do not need to be "fluffed up" in a sense.

    Sorry (I guess) for not writing a giant wall of text. :p
  16. Er, it really isn't. Did you read any of these responses at all?
    Flawed logic that I and others have already torn to shreds. The only perk you retain from Gold or Diamond that cannot be obtained any other way is the residence count. Utopia /waste and /wild are off-limits, you can no longer fly or use TNT, you cannot use Supporter chat (unless you were in /c s the last time you logged out, in which case you remain in that channel until you change out of it), and vault / stable slots can be obtained with vouchers from voting. Let's not forget the more subtle ones too, like /res loc(ations) and messages. Or were you not aware that free players can only set one (1) residence location? They're surprisingly handy.

    Again I'll say it: Perks should probably be re-evaluated, but not like this.
    607, lndo7809 and penfoldex like this.
  17. See, the thing is this isn't a "pay to win" server.
    607, lndo7809 and Kephras like this.
  18. Just out of curiosity. Do you ever give money to a charity?

    ^ both confusing and insulting at the same time.
    Some people really just want to support the Empire - at a cost even, I've read people saying that they're keeping their subscription even though they could better use the money for something else in their lives, because they *really* want to support the Empire.
    607, technologygeek, lndo7809 and 2 others like this.
  19. the awesome purple people eater suggestion thread to end all threads!
    or if thats not your style, supporter suggestions
  20. I can only speak for myself, but from what I've seen, none of us here have been speaking from our own selfish endeavors. We spoke what we found wrong with your logic, and simply tried to get you to see it. I for one considered this post in all angles. Unfortunately, you had facts wrong, so you can't call us out for attacking personal beliefs when you didn't even have a few facts correct.
    Kephras likes this.