Server Problems? Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by JackBiggin, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. Sounds like a client side problem
  2. True. it can't hurt to be on the safe side.
    tedrocker likes this.
  3. Chunk errors do occur, basically lags you out when in that chunk.

    If you can avoid that chunk, do so.
  4. Its the corner of my res :l
  5. Mojang will not be forcing password changes.

    While the SSL vuln is serious, it doesn't mean mojang got hit by it. Plus you would essentially have had to of recently logged in while an attacker was attacking for your password to of even been stolen.

    I have updated EMC servers already for the vulnerability.
    mba2012, 607, NZScruffy and 1 other person like this.
  6. did the person take town the minecraft website. seems that i cant get on so i cant change my password
  7. Down for 163ish min
  8. They still trying to get those back up that I know of.
  9. Mojang i good to go i checked it
  10. Voting is now working again, on Top G
  11. Unbenannt.png
    and yes, my twitter is in German
    tedrocker likes this.
  12. Not a lag problem, however, I was on smp1 and got to the northwest edge somehow looking for a good outpost spot. When I got there it said I couldn't further, however, I COULDNT GO BACK. I was locked in place and could only go right, finally shifted over enough to fall in some lava (not ideal because I lost all my diamond) and was able to respawn. please fix this so you can at least go back without getting stuck.
  13. You were in the wastelands - you will want to go to the frontier to find an outpost location. You should be able to work yourself out of it - might take a bit of work though
  14. It wont let me join the server because it is an "outdated server". My minecraft is 1.7.6. How can i join?
  15. 1.7.6 was released today and as far as I'm aware, it's not compatible with older servers yet, so you would need to click "Edit Profile" in your Minecraft launcher and choose 1.7.5 :)
  16. Im having a problem that i cnat connect cuz its out of date can anyone tell me how to change back to 1.7.5
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