Popular Minecraft YouTubers?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. SSundee might do it, especially since his prison server videos have caused that server to have 500 more people than the max allowed (donators) very likely that server paid him to do the videos, If we can get him to do a series I wouldn't be surprised if the server goes 1000/1000 every time he gets on to record
    Gadget_AD likes this.
  2. Sooooo were trying to constantly get new players, implanting new things and now were trying to pay people to advertise the server?

    Why don't we start with ACTUALLY finishing Dragon tombs that was suppose to be done god knows how long ago and also finishing up a majority of the stuff on the track page?

    Also the server's have been going down like 4 times a week. We are paying to play on the server and we can't even get that.. Can we just finish the problems before jumping into other things.. Its just irritating.
  3. NerdCubed might be the guy to ask. I watch him alot :p PewDiePie is pretty good also, but 10k is a little too much to spend on ads.
    I have a channel, but only with 125 subs. I could do an ad, but with that little subs, I doubt barely anyone would be coming in, however a few of my subs do play minecraft. NerdCubed though, I suggest him :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. If you want I can do one for you for free. I only have 39 subs but still. Some people might watch it and go to the server and they could turn into the best player, who knows ;)
  5. Economists and normal people call that 'profit.' :cool:
    mba2012 likes this.
  6. Probably been said already, but paulsoaresjr.
    lndo7809 likes this.
  7. EMC doesn't really have the short-term rewards or the long-term goals to support a series of any sort.. you'd be paying for a once-off that would really only help for a week or so.

    Minecraft isn't about mining or crafting anymore. It's about minigames.
    B4DMAN5IMON and 72Volt like this.
  8. 1. I am not funny whatsoever.
    2. I'm a brick, English is exotic to meh (jk, learning other languages xD)

    In all seriousness though, most of the people above would likely do it for free :p It's just you might want to get... new play styles before hand.
    marine4121 likes this.
  9. I can't agree more with this, spot on. *starts sobbing*
    mba2012 likes this.
  10. It may be hard to get popular Youtubers to come to the Empire. They mostly play on closed servers to prevent masses amount of fans interrupting their production or griefing their stuff.
    Have you advertised on The Shaft Podcast? It's a pretty popular Minecraft podcast and I think it's dirt cheap to advertise.
  11. I try to advertise EMC on my YouTube as much as I can but sadly I lag too much to make videos on minecraft.
  12. If you notice they do more pvp and such then anything else. And with almost two million subs each i believe it would be chaos, and very hard. You also have the fact that the server they did popularize heavily is now full or close to it with i think twice the amount of slots open on emc.
  13. XisumaVoid. He knows everything technical about the game, he has around 200k subs, dosnt play on pvp on servers hes on the "hermitcraft" server and plays vanilla and loves creating huge projects
    marknaaijer likes this.
  14. heyaroo and erosego :D
    Heyaroo and 1k subs and erose has a lot I'm just not sure how many :)
    Olaf_C and mba2012 like this.
  15. Only one thing, make sure the youtuber you're going for has the correct audience. If you get an advertisement on a channel about PVP, or some griefing/raid servers, you're not going to attract the right sort of people.
    slash14459 and cddm95ace like this.
  16. What a sad reality for a great game. :(
    All I ever see my 9 year old brother play on are these god-awful servers with 1000000000 slots where the only available activities are crude mini-games. What ever happened to the good old days, of making 5 square kilometre redstone calculators? When there was a focus on all the cool stuff which could be done without command blocks or mods? I say me and you start a Minecraft series, we call it Purecraft, where we load up a single-player amplified survival map, complete the main game, and then try to make the most awesome possible stuff we can. Cities, statues, anything. Remind people what Minecraft is really about, before these new kids came about and ruined it with their god damned butter.
  17. Honestly i dont see how people like sky. He acts so immature. "butter" is possibly the stupidest thing to call a gold block. Oh, and squids, they are just a damn mob, no need to scream about it. When I hear him scream, i think to myself "how do you have all those subs if you scream like a girl on camera".,
  18. bajancanadian

    Have fun lol
  19. A lot of those subs are little kids who scream back lol.