Share your Art!

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Maxarias, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. Wow. That's some impressing stuff right there. Seriously.
    Maxarias and 607 like this.
  2. These photos are from an old base in the Wild.
    Stone Tree 1.png Stone Tree 2.png Stone Tree 3.png Stone Tree 4.png Stone Tree 5.png Stone Tree 6.png
    Ah, the memories.
  3. So we can post any kind of art, not just MC related art?
    Maxarias likes this.
  4. Yes.
    Maxarias and 607 like this.
  5. yesh

    An O.C. I drew for christmas, Holly.
    Maxarias, 607 and Palmsugar like this.
  6. Woo! Then here we go...
    Something I painted for another game:
    (the background is a tweaked ingame screenshot)
  7. oh

    that is amazing
    hashhog3000 and 607 like this.
  8. I feel I'm posting a lot in this thread. I made this with a base I found on Google, as did the other one. I only simply colored these, But I'm very happy with the outcome.
  9. Don't know if any of you guys play League of Legends...
    I drew an entry for the lunar festival art contest.
    And yeah, Fizz looks a little strange...
  10. Like seriously how do I even do that
    hashhog3000 and cddm95ace like this.
  11. Don't know what to say(in a positive way)
  12. All of this is so amazing! :D
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  13. My Palace on smp5
  14. Oh meh god
  15. I drew something to put up too.

    Sometimes I can draw cool stuff, other times I just want to draw a magician riding a fish.
    AliceF3, 607, amadai and 2 others like this.
  16. Since you guys liked my other on. I give you this masterpiece
    princebee and Maxarias like this.