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Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Maxarias, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. On and after the 25th, each img will have new... Wording so to speak, that sort of goes with them so it no longer reads as if it was posted by a robot. I assure you, I am not a robot. :p
  2. You could always use my profile picture. I find it a bit artistic if you ask me.

    I'll put the image here if you're interested.
    Thank you.
    5weety, Maxarias, Qwerty189 and 2 others like this.
  3. I guess this would count...
    5weety, Maxarias and AliceF3 like this.
  4. I worked all day on this. :)
    Steven7485, 5weety, AliceF3 and 3 others like this.
  5. Started out as pose practice, turned into a Vent, became something I'm pretty proud of :p

    Not to sure about the rain effect though
    607, 5weety, Maxarias and 1 other person like this.
  6. I think the rain looks nice.
    607 and AliceF3 like this.
  7. The rain is basically the rough brush (not sure what to call it) and thin transparent hard-brush lines, right?
    cuz i liek eet
  8. Thanks :p
    Gotta mess with the transparency a bit though :p
  9. transparency is really annoying :p I remember before I used transparency for colouring, then I tried to put a backround...
  10. Yeahhh, never a good idea
    Colours the layer behnd the colouring white then marge the two so the colour stays the same :p
  11. Just a sketch. Apologies for the poor quality, my scanner lightened the image a ton so I had to go take a picture :p

    Attached Files:

    cddm95ace, princebee, AliceF3 and 4 others like this.
  12. I really liked one of the characters from an episode of MLP so I drew her, her name is Zapp. (it's dashie but yeah.)
    Maxarias, slash14459 and AliceF3 like this.
  13. I did a Secret Santa on Colours!3D and I'm pretty proud of my gift :p

    It's all lineless and stuff :D
    (Axel is the name of my partner's chara btw)
    Maxarias likes this.
  14. i likes :D

    Not sure whether I posted these...
    2013-12-23-204734.png 2013-12-23-204903.png 2013-12-23-204933.png 2013-12-23-205003.png 2013-12-23-205035.png

    Attached Files:

    Maxarias likes this.
  15. Here this has been used on my YouTube Channel, but you may use it if you put my name on it.

    Attached Files:

    Maxarias and AliceF3 like this.
  16. Just found this gem at the bottom of my gallery

    I think this was a cat used in Cordial_Pie's avatar once?
    Idk, I remember using a reference from somewhere :confused:
    Maxarias and Cordial_Pie like this.
  17. 2014-01-01_23.27.17.png
    A little Dragon I made on 18130 :)
    Maxarias and HylianNinja like this.
  18. I like it :D
    AliceF3 likes this.