Community Discussion: Reset of Wilderness / Nether / End?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JustinGuy, Mar 6, 2012.


Please read the entire topic before voting

Poll closed Mar 9, 2012.
Yes - Reset the non Town worlds WITH a weeks notice and special features during that time 399 vote(s) 89.5%
No - I want them all to stay the way they are now, do not reset 47 vote(s) 10.5%
  1. It doesn't matter if the wild spawn gets "nuked." The whole point is (or one of the major points anyway) that the periodic reset will make it possible to reset the area around the spawn every week--or even more often if it becomes necessary.
  2. Yes, I like to leave the surface better than when I found it. There are more than a few islands out there that had one tree when I found them which are now heavily forested.
  3. You really should disable TNT from even diamond supporters. No way all the hols and giant monster sized craters are from mining.
  4. Disable TNT?!? Ha, you cant be serious, then gold and diamond would have equal perks, not gonna happen mate, as it is, I am going to come back as gold supporter instead of diamond on BOTH my accounts, for the same price as diamond, I can get 1 extra lot and one hundred extra rupees. :D
  5. Y did u demote from diamond and they wouldnt be equal as diamonds still would hav 1 extra res and bigger dayly bonus even tough i dont think tnt should be disabled
  6. more likely creeper holes than TNT
    margaritte, JustinGuy and nnnnmc1 like this.
  7. Lol, I'm pretty sure none of us even use TNT in the wild..
    MR2R2M likes this.
  8. Exactly, never used it in the wild b4
  9. yes please reset. This will be (in a way) a benefit for all members on EMC, new resources, no minefield, new and undiscovered caves and mine shafts etc.
    The only main downside of it as EdmundWayne explained is what people have or are building at the moment will be destroyed however i believe that a new and updated world/nether/end will be brilliant to have.
    But witch-ever way the discussion goes ill support it
  10. At least the value of enchanted tools will go up again :)
    nnnnmc1 likes this.
  11. This is JustinGuy's post from instruction on using TNT

    They keep log of TNT usage. And they don't allow TNT user to make huge hole like that.
    I doubt one would have done that to get ban forever :p
    AlexChance likes this.
  12. I was actually thinking....

    If the wild is to be reset - how do i know im not gonna be spawning in a lavapool or inside solid blocks? :D

    Will everyone be ported to town before reset or?
  13. Does anyone have any idea when the reset of the wildy will be?
  14. I think it's going to happen end of next week once 7 has gone live this weekend.
  15. My suggestion to anyone who can not make it safely to spawn, dump your entire inventory into your Vault during free access and then die... You are now in protected spawn with your belongings... :)
    PThagaard likes this.
  16. Everyone will not be teleported back to the spawn. The way the game works you would just be in the same location in the new world. The game is smart enough to spawn you in a safe location though (not in the side of a mountain or in a lava lake).
    nnnnmc1 and PThagaard like this.
  17. Sometimes the game thinks a pool of lava is a safe location :p
    Squizzel_Boy and nnnnmc1 like this.
  18. So actually, if you start running now, then come the Reset, you'll spawn in the same chunk as before but the Live Map wont have a massive trail leading to your area from the Wild Spawn or Nether Spawn because the land has been unexplored between you and there......

    *Starts running*

    Oh, and lets get that last vote in to round it up to 400 Yes votes. :)
    _Stads_ and margaritte like this.
  19. Haha yes, actually the new Wilds will have a 5,000 block radius circle pre-generated around each spawn and outpost. This will keep from having a trail leading to your hideout and help with lag :)