EMC Teamspeak

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by iSmooch, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. Lol I don't care because there is no one on xD

    *EDIT* Can you change my Server Group from guest to something else?
  2. SMP6 now has channels.
  3. its nice to have other server admins around XD
    Annih likes this.
  4. Lol
  5. So can i connect the teamspeak with my minecraft?
  6. I'm in, "Trent_The_Troll"!!!
  7. I've got this set up now. Also I think this needs a good bump.
  8. maybe somone can "hack" or reworded "code" a plugin (mod, add-on or whatever) for minecraft in where you can connect *to TS* via minecraft itself when you login to multiplayer? it would help make this famous among users, and make chat a bit more clean :p
  9. Your right but it would take an experianced hacker :D
  10. it would require a special client not just server side, which would mean the users would have to download a specific client. Its not impossible, but to connect to these voice servers, you will always need a client side. and until minecraft integrates voice chat somewhere in the future, this is really all we got :)
  11. Agreed!
  12. Nono, i mean a mod, which people can download from the EMC website and its easy to install, get it?
  13. It would be nice if it worked :D
  14. I got en error trying to connect...:confused:?
    Is this still up and running?
  15. It's been down for over a week Dej
  16. Sweet.... so NO ONE, in ALL of emc, has a teamspeak channel?
  17. I did all this but it says error connecting to the server ? :( It don't like me...lol
  18. see previous post:
    there are a few public minecraft channels if you search the lists.... one in WI was free for anyone.
  19. Thank you ... I don't have time to read ALL the posts and I didn't know it was down. I will see if I can find another one :)
  20. Someone should host one :D